
Saturday, February 13, 2021

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Beverly Bateman @kelownawriter & Death Southern Style!

Good Morning and Welcome to what is the C-O-L-D-E-S-T weekend and upcoming week this winter in SW Louisiana.

You've heard me lament before that I am NOT a Winter person so I won't bore you with that again. Instead, I'm just going to introduce our Spotlight guest....

Beverly Bateman has shared words with us and been in our spotlight before so please welcome her back with her newest release, Death Southern Style....

When Perrine Dupré dies under suspicious circumstances her daughter, Julie Ann Dupré, returns to New Orleans to find the truth about her mother’s death. She uncovers a family secret, hidden for years. Now someone is trying to kill her. Will the little dog who appears after her mother’s death help her? Is the sexy detective out to help her, or is he part of police corruption?

Detective Connor O’Reilly, a native of New Orleans, comes from a family of police. He’s an honest cop but realizes there is corruption in the division. His father may have died as part of that corruption. He meets Julie Ann, checks out her mother’s death and finds it was badly handled. Julie Ann deserves the truth and he wants to find it for her. 

Julie Ann and Connor work together to unravel the real reason behind Perrine Dupré’s murder, Julie Ann’s mysterious past, and why people want her dead, while developing their challenging relationship. Can they both survive? And can their relationship survive?

Excerpt:  Perrine Dupré hurried down the street. She needed to get home. Dark New Orleans clouds hovered overhead. Thunder rolled. Large drops of late May rain pelted the streets of the French Quarter. It sounded like hail as the fat globs bounced off the pavement behind Perrine. The ozone mixed with the scent of magnolia and the smell of shrimp and fish cooking in the area. 

The older African American woman struggled against the wind. It whipped her umbrella inside out. She clutched it tightly so not to lose it. Rain blurred her vision. Thunder crashes caused her to jump. She stumbled up the three steps to her front door. Her daughter was coming home for a visit. Perrine’s pulse increased and a smile sneaked out.

Perrine loved her New Orleans. She hated to travel, but two years ago she’d gone to New York to see Julie Ann and her new business. It was a mass of busy airports and crowded flights, but she’d enjoyed seeing the city and staying in her daughter’s apartment. Her daughter had showed off her new interior design business, introduced Perrine to a few of her friends and dragged Perrine to some of the typical tourist activities. Julie Ann had been getting her designing business established then and had a challenge taking time off to leave and come home. Recently she’d taken on a partner. It freed up a little extra time. Tomorrow Julie Ann would be home in New Orleans and Perrine could give her a big hug.

Juggling her parcels, umbrella and the key Perrine jabbed it in the direction of the lock. Finally, the key found the opening and turned.

Thunder rumbled a little louder, sounding like pins crashing in a bowling alley.

Perrine turned the doorknob and froze. 

One of her psychic visions flashed in front of her. Her shoulders sagged. A man stood inside. Her visons didn’t lie. She wasn’t going to see Julie Ann after all. And she'd miss their regular telephone call tonight, too. 

She wasn’t prepared to die. A single tear shimmered down her cheek. Her heart pounded. She clutched her parcels to her chest. Why now?

Lightning flashed. Thunder crashed again. 

He waited for her to come inside.

Beverley Bateman now lives in Medicine Hat, Alberta. She recently moved from the Okanagan Valley in BC, Canada. Instead of vineyards, orchards, lakes, and mountains she has ranches, farmers and a close community. She lives there with her husband and her Bichon-poodle rescue dog. During the cold Alberta winters, she snowbirds to Arizona and does glass fusion, watercolor painting and plays the ukulele besides working on her latest romantic suspense. Hunted, Missing and Targeted are part of her Montana series. She also has her Holly Devine series; A Cruise to Remember, and a Murder to Forget. Don’t Go is her darker romantic suspense.

Find and connect with Beverly at the following locations....

Get your copy of Death Southern Style at Amazon!

Sounds like another great book to your repertoire, Beverly. We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with it.

Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight, Friends and that you'll drop by each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and another edition of Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care, God bless and stay warm.


  1. I like how atmospheric the cover is. Sounds fabulous.

  2. Great teaser. I want to know more. Good luck with the book.

  3. Thank you for sharing. Love the cover and the book sounds intriguing. Best wishes. d.v.

  4. New Orleans is such a fascinating setting. Hope I get to visit again soon!

  5. Smooches for my sister. Love the excerpt. Thx Pam!

  6. This sounds like a story I need to check out.

  7. Thanks everyone for the comments. Much appreciated.
    And thanks Pam for having me on your blog.

  8. Loved the excerpt. Wow, you ended on a scary note!

  9. Sounds like a fabulous read...just my type of book. Congrats and best wishes!
