
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

#WednesdayWordswithFriends welcomes DV Stone!

Good Morning!

Today's guest is no stranger to our blog so please welcome D. V. Stone back with some words about reading....

“I hate to read.”

Since I was little, books have been my favorite thing. My mom will tell you I never wrote in them or tore pictures. They were a treasure to me. When people say they don’t like to read, I believe they haven’t found the right books for them. At around 12 years old, my brother was one such. He said he hated reading. That it was so boring.

What’s a big sister to do? 

I saw what he had, books from school that were required reading. Tsk, some of those books had a lot of merits. I’d read some of them. I’ve also read books that bored me to tears but were the “must” read of the day. 

What’s a big sister to do?

Take it as a challenge. I thought about him. Who he was. What kind of television and movies he liked. So the book I chose for him had good vs. evil. Sort of a David and Goliath type of book. One with lots of conflicts. Interesting characters. Oh, and a dragon. Any ideas yet? 

Well, it’s been one of my inspirations books ever since I can remember. Have you been there and back again? Don’t let my questions dwarf your ideas. Can you see the answer through the Smaug? Ha, I bet you did.

Having trouble getting someone you love to read? I think you just have to find the right genre and type. Keep it simple. Keep it fun. So what if it’s a graphic novel. Some of those are great. 

My brother? He reads everything now. It was one tiny spark that lit a fire into his literary journey. 
Animals were what hooked me from the Pokey Little Puppy through Black Beauty and all the Misty books. Though I read and write across genres now, my heart still belongs in the Shire and on the island of Chincoteague. 

How about you? What spark lit yours?

The Agent Carter Series backstory

Several years ago, while enjoying a Christmas concert, my young nephew crawled over several laps to get to me. 

“Do you write books,” he asked.

I replied, “I do.”

“Then I want you to write one about me.” He propped his chin in his hand. “And I want to ride a motorcycle and have a long mustache.”


I never thought about being a writer of mid-grade books, but here we are at my second release. I hope you enjoy reading about Agent Carter and his cohorts. If you sign up for my newsletter, you can get the link to download the first Agent Sam Carter, The Mystery At Branch Lake

Join the gang in the second Agent Sam Carter series. Sam’s camping vacation is canceled. Strange happenings at the High Pointe Tower are going to take all his wits and skill to save the world from its latest threat. The convergence of the Dragon Aurora and volcanic eruption tears a hole between the dimensions trapping a paranormal creature on earth side. But as usual, nothing is as it first appears.

Available at AMAZON.

D. V. Stone is a multi-genre author, both traditional and independently published. A weekly blog host of Welcome to the Campfire and A Peek Through the Window. She reviews books and shares her favorites in a monthly newsletter.

D. V. is a full-time employee in a medical office, wife to an amazing husband, mother to one son, and not your average grandma to three beautiful grands. A woman of faith, she trusts and believes in God.

When not behind the wheel of my camper, 2Hoots—a 41 foot long 13.2 feet high 5th Wheel, she tools around Northern New Jersey in her white Camaro named Snowball. Her greatest pleasures are spending time outside with friends and family, cooking over the open fire, owls, and reading.

Hali, her rescue dog, always reminds everyone, “Woof, woof.” Which is loosely translated. Support your local animal rescue.


You can find out more about D. V. by following her on Social Media


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Welcome to the Campfire Blog          Peek Through the Window    


Books by

D. V. Stone


Rainbow Sprinkles

After the storm come the rainbows.

Amazon  Barnes & Noble   iBook’s


Rock House Grill

One man’s choices. One woman’s Impact

Amazon           Barnes & Noble          iBook’s      Google Books      Kobo



Felice, Shield-Mates of Dar

One foolish thought. One brutal act. Instead of a peaceful alliance––war.



Agent Sam Carter and the Mystery at Branch Lake

Amazon - The Mystery At Branch Lake

Agent Sam Carter and the Mystery At High Pointe Tower

A Mid-grade paranormal

  Amazon - High Pointe Tower

Contributing Author

Australia Burns


I've loved to read as far back as I can remember, Donna! Thanks for sharing your story and your new book with us. We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings.



  1. Good Morning, Pam! Thanks for having me on your blog today. I love talking about books, reading, and writing. I have so much fun with Agent Carter and all the fun characters.
    D.V. 🦉

  2. I love helping people find the right book for them! Just did this with my daughter--finally convinced her to try romance and what do you know, she LOVES it! Now she calls and texts me what she's reading. It's awesome.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Jennifer. I still love directing people to books I think they'll enjoy. D

  3. Hi D.V.,
    There is such a need for Middle Grade books. I'm glad your nephew encouraged you. Congratulations on your series.

    1. Hi, Barbara. Books are so important to not only entertain but teach. I pretty good at trivia and people ask me how I know things. Silly, rabbits. I read.

  4. Hi D.V.,

    As a retired librarian and teacher, I applaud you. Both of my sons were athletes and spent much of their time in sports. However, I always read to them and bought books for them and took them to the library when they were young. As adults, they still love to read and have encouraged their own children. Nothing better than reading. My favorites are romance novels and mysteries which I also write.

    1. I love reading to my grands. My son loves to read. He's a history buff. Thank you for your encouragement. D

  5. How fun that books sounds! My son was turned on to reading by the Goosebumps books. I was so happy he found something he enjoyed.

    1. That's the trick isn't it. Finding what interests you. Thank you for visiting. Oh, and Goosebumps are great. We call my brother's dog Goosebump.

  6. This is such a cute post! I have two sparks....Riki Tiki Tavi and Little Women!

    1. Hi, Kara. Thank you. Those are 2 great ones. Jo was always my favorite.

  7. I grew up in a house surrounded by books. Reading for me is like breathing - a necessity.

    Set texts for school are generally very dull.

    A need to branch out and find your groove.

  8. Exactly, Mary. I was the only reader in my house until my brother. No books around unless mine. As a teenager I hit the jackpot when I passed a bookstore on my way between jobs.

  9. Great post. I've always treasured books too. It's so cool that you got your brother to become a reader. Sounds like a great series. Congrats and best wishes!

  10. Thanks for stopping by and your kind word, Alicia.🦉
