
Saturday, January 23, 2021

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Michelle Russell and Her Name is Hope!

Good Morning!

Today's guest is brand new to our blog and a brand new author so please welcome Michelle Russell with her book, Her Name is Hope....

My name is Michelle Russell and I currently live in Lake Charles, LA. I’m originally from a small rural community in Mississippi where money is scarce but love and family are abundant. 

 Writing has always been a passion of mine but never an option. Being a single mother, my time was spent working two and three jobs at a time, while trying to raise my three children. Writing was something I did in secret as my “release”. I never even considered it as my calling until recently. My children are now grown and for the first time in my life I have found this precious thing called ‘time’. I still work full-time and have a very busy schedule, but I have found that my passion for writing was still with me. One night I was sitting on my sofa channel surfing and finding nothing but numbing garbage on the television. The television shows were all either crime dramas, pure filth, or shows geared toward convincing us that its ok to sin as long as it suits yours or someone else’s agenda. This was unacceptable. I didn’t want to see or hear anything else that was advocating and glorifying sin. It was then a story came into my mind. I believe it was God telling me that it was up to me to create what it was I was searching for. It was so obvious that what I was looking for was what was already inside me. So I grabbed my laptop and just started writing. 

The story was about a young woman who had an abortion simply because having a child would have hindered her aspirations of success. However, she had waited too late for a conventional abortion and sought out a doctor who would perform a late term abortion. She found such a doctor. However, unbeknownst to her the abortion wasn’t successful. An assistant working in the clinic, Mia, finds the child in a trash bin with the remains of the other aborted babies. She had no money, no real family, and no real means of supporting this child, but she didn’t care. Mia had also been a discarded child and she would do everything to help this baby. She took the child and raised her as her own. Many years later the child would find her biological mother, but not in the way you might think. This reunion was a matter of life and death. The two are reunited and their lives are changed forever.

“Looking at Hope, she finally sees why. It is in that moment,  Myrtis’s words come back to her, All things work together for good to them that love God. Mia now knows that she had to be in all those places and go through all the horrible things in order for her to be standing where she is. Seeing Hope on that stage and the world listening to her story.

God was preparing her for her calling. He was placing her where she needed to be in order to save Hope. God needed her to send a message that would burn into the hearts of the world and make them see. He needed her to help save the world”

You can find and follow me by email at: OR Message me on Facebook “Melinda Michelle Russell”

Get your copy of Her Name is Hope at AMAZON!

This sounds like an amazing story, Michelle! Good luck and God's blessings with it.



  1. Wow. Your description of your story brought tears to my eyes. Lots of real emotions. Thank you for tackling such a difficult and important subject.

  2. Congratulations on your new release! Sounds like a powerful story. May you continue to write stores that uplift and inspire.

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words. Abortion has always been something that haunted me. I too, found myself pregnant at an early age and at one time contemplated aborting my child. These thoughts were put into my mind by well intended but misguided friends of mine. They were in a sense offering help by suggesting a quick fix. However, God intervened and showed me that would be a mistake. I knew then that i wasnt alone and this child was a living being that God had given me. I cannot imagine my life without her now. The world is a better place with her in it. I can only hope that my book reaches people and shows them that a child is a blessing and not a mistake .

  4. Congrats on your novel! You deal with a controversial topic and it sounds like you've written a thoughtful work with depth.

  5. Hi Michelle. Congratulations on your debut. It sounds like a powerful novel.

  6. This sounds like a very powerful story, and your post is so timely coming the day after the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. I hope that your story touches hearts and minds in a positive way.
    And, btw, your writing journey reminds me of that of Kathryn LeVeque. I heard her speak at a conference about being a single mother writing stories at night while her children slept. She's had great success self publishing her medieval romance stories. Good luck to you!

  7. Wow! That sounds like a very compelling story with lots of emotion and heart. Congratulations!

  8. I feel that especially in this day and time with all the media encouraging abortion and the potential of more governmental influence, this story is more important than ever.

  9. This is going to be a powerfully emotional read.
