
Thursday, November 16, 2017

#ThursdayThoughts with Mike Befeler

Good Morning!

I can't even begin to tell you where this month, much less this year has gone. I guess it's true time flies when you're having fun! Today's guest has shared thoughts with us on a couple of occasions and he continues with more interesting information about GeezerLit Mysteries. So, please welcome Mike Befeler back.....

The Importance of Older Characters in Mystery Novels

Most of the mystery novels I write feature older characters. I affectionately call these geezer-lit mysteries. So why is it important to have older characters in novels? There are lots of books with young heroes and heroines playing quidditch, racing cars and jumping out of airplanes, but there is also a place for the older characters who have life experiences that provide wisdom, even if their footsteps have slowed.

Since mysteries involve solving a puzzle, the mind of the sleuth is very important. I have a protagonist who has short-term memory loss, yet he can use the functioning part of his brain to discover the perpetrator. As Hercule Poirot says, you need to use the gray cells.
As a mystery writer I enjoy putting ordinary people into extraordinary circumstances. This includes solving a murder. An older character can surprise the villain by applying life learning to a difficult situation.

I enjoy mixing the generations. In my Paul Jacobson Geezer-lit Mystery Series, my protagonist often teams with his preteen granddaughter, Jennifer, to solve mysteries. They also tell each other politically incorrect geezer jokes, much to the consternation of Jennifer’s mother.
So don’t write off the oldsters. And if you’re the bad guy, watch out because you may overlook them, but they’re paying attention and will get you.

THANKS so much, Mike! I know several people in my circle of reading friends who might enjoy GeezerLit Mysteries!

Mike is past-president of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of Mystery Writers of America. He holds a Master’s degree from UCLA and a Bachelor’s degree from Stanford. He grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii, and now lives in Lakewood, California with his wife, Wendy.

Find out more about Mike by visiting the 'About' page on his website and connecting with him at the following locations:

Friends, you can pick up a copy of Mike's book at Amazon (Kindle) and B&N. Check out Mike's previous Thursday Thoughts on GeezerLit Mysteries HERE and HERE.

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time take care and God bless.


  1. Mike,

    I love the idea of mixing generations. Too many younger people write off the older generation not realizing how much experience and wisdom seniors can bring to their lives. I love the way Agatha Christie and you have older protagonists in your mystery novels.

  2. Jacqueline,
    As a grandparent I learn so much from my grandkids and hopefully they learn things from me. In my Paul Jacobson Geezer-lit Mystery Series, I've had fun with the exchanges between Paul and his 12-year-old granddaughter, Jennifer. I like this "skip generational" relationship where they team up against Jennifer's parents.

  3. Love the phrase geezer-lit! I'm in the geezer neighborhood myself and definitely think you're on to something. Best of luck.

  4. Is it geezer-lit if a geezer writes it? LOL Love the term and love those books.

  5. Diane,
    I began writing geezer-lit mysteries when I was a mere geezer-in-training
    Mike Befeler
