
Saturday, January 28, 2017

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Mark Wayne Allen and his new book, Introspection!

Good Morning!

It's a COLD one up here at Kincaid Lake. The park host had to turn the water off yesterday...someone backed into something...anyway, hopefully they'll have it up and running soon today. Fortunately we got here early enough to fill up the water tank, so we'll be OK until it's back on.

Anyway, today's guest, Mark Wayne Allen has shared Treasures, Thoughts and Spotlights with us before but today, he's telling us about his brand new release, Introspection!

What would life be like if anyone could be removed from history?

This is a question that Melvin Travis is forced to deal with. He hates all of humanity with good reason. He has virtually no past and he sees no hope for the future.

A rational person would wonder how an entire book could be coherently filled with a story about such a character. Well, I have to tell you, it wasn't easy. Melvin's dark outlook on life was something that I continually had to tinker with to pull him through this novel.

The background of the book is trying to stop dark forces who have hatched reverse time technology. This could revert anyone to a young child or eliminate their conception altogether with unimaginable, horrendous, results. Anguish quickly sets into Melvin as you can imagine with explosive results.

As a writer, I loved the thrill of Melvin's character. It was an amazing ride! Originally, I had a very different structure in mind, but it seemed like each time I said, "Melvin, turn left," he'd say, "No, let's go right."

The background scenes make the story. Tom, Melvin's friend that pulls him into this mess, leaves him unexpectedly but Melvin continues on. With a surprising ending that shocked even me, "Introspection" is an interesting tale about a hero with few redeeming qualities.

Mark Wayne Allen was born in Merryvillle, Louisiana where he now resides, but has lived in many states. Due to life tragedies, he is a quadriplegic.
A love of books inspired him to write down his own stories, which, over the years, has evolved to include all categories. From poetry to short stories to novels, his knowledge of the craft grew over time, and so did his love for it.
He wrote two short stories and several poems that were published in a short-lived e-zine called Dementia. In 2013, he published the science fiction book Star Siege which was written during his years at Louisiana State University. Since then, he has placed in several contests since and even had a first place poem. He writes regularly for The Voice Of Southwest Louisiana Magazine.
Having lived in the North, South, East, and West has given him the opportunity to talk with a diverse group of people as well as an appreciation for different cultures. Currently, he lives with his wife of many years, Kelley, and is an active part of the community. You can keep up with Mark through his Website,Facebook and Twitter
Introspection can be purchased at Amazon in Print and for Kindle.
Hope you enjoyed today's spotlight and that you'll drop by next week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and another edition of Saturday Spotlight.
Until next time, good luck and God Bless.


  1. Wow. You said it was hard to write Melvin and I believe you. I applaud your efforts and wish you luck. It was nice getting to know you and your concept.

  2. An interesting premise. Good luck with your book!

  3. Thanks to you both. Yes, it was hard to write this book because Melvin is such a dark character. He dpoesn't eeven really know himself. He doesn't believe in humanity, yet blindly has faiith in God. He hates humanity, yet is trying to save it. And there are even more inconsistencies.

  4. Thanks to you both. Yes, it was hard to write this book because Melvin is such a dark character. He dpoesn't eeven really know himself. He doesn't believe in humanity, yet blindly has faiith in God. He hates humanity, yet is trying to save it. And there are even more inconsistencies.

  5. Thanks to you both. Yes, it was hard to write this book because Melvin is such a dark character. He dpoesn't eeven really know himself. He doesn't believe in humanity, yet blindly has faiith in God. He hates humanity, yet is trying to save it. And there are even more inconsistencies.

  6. Sorry I'm late. Wow, what a fascinating premise. I like that the character is so dark. I find that intriguing. Sounds like a great read. Best wishes!

  7. It was fascinating to write the book. I had a book launch today as well that went marvelously. Everybody was so intrigued about the printer and the character.
