
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

#TuesdayTreasures Guest Post by Jamila Battle, MD

Good Morning Friends!

I hope you've followed Keri's blog tour so far and entered the Rafflecopter. Good luck if you have! If not, you've still got plenty of time. Meanwhile, please welcome Dr. Jamila Battle back to our blog to share treasures with us....

Why do triathlons?

When I started my journey onto Rebirth, I was 272 lbs. I would lose the weight only to regain it back plus more.

What I didn’t know was food addiction was controlling my life. I was looking for my self esteem in the fridge, which was a bad place. All I found was misery wrapped in cellophane. Comfort food felt good in the sort term but was killing me with its long-term consequences.

To get to sustainable change I had to reboot by being honest and understanding that unresolved trauma was the fuel driving the addiction. Next, I had to intentionally heal my mind, body and spirit by identifying my self-critical voice, releasing negative emotions and taking good care of myself. This included the work of trauma-focused therapies, self care, restoration of good sleep thru a sleep evaluation and more.

For the first time I saw sustainable weight loss when I started CPAP to restore my sleep quality and when I joined a triathlon group. This year I completed two races and have lost 35 lbs and kept those pounds off. It is truly work, a process and a lifestyle.  But it is worth it.

John F. Kennedy once said, we go to the Moon because it’s difficult.

What a great statement as oppose to our pop culture today that says why do anything that takes any effort whatsoever. So the reason to do a triathlon is because it is hard. Once you do something that takes you to another level, it transforms you mentally, physically and spiritually. If you deal with or do something you don’t think you can do, and you transcend it, you become a different person.

That is called Rebirth.

You learn new things and grow.

I realized during my first triathlon race that although I finished and felt quite accomplished, everyone in the race was battling their own demons and trying to become something more than they are.

It is a treasure to be surrounded by all of that positive energy.

To learn more about Rebirth, join me on a journey of Reboot, Repair, Rebirth, an online healing system. Learn more at Until next time, let’s stay connected at
Stay Well.
Dr. Battle

You are so correct, Dr. Battle, being surrounded by positive energy IS something to treasure.

Dr. Battle's book, From Abuse to Abundance; Reboot your Soul; Repair your Heart; Rebirth into Prosperity can be purchased at Amazon.

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll return each week for more Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time, take care and God Bless.


  1. What an interesting way to look at change. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for sharing your story, very inspiring.

  3. Wow, I'm totally in awe. Good for you. Thank you for the inspiring story and fantastic advice. The book sounds like a great and helpful read. Best wishes!

  4. What a helpful, inspiring post. Best wishes.

  5. Your welcome ladies. Happy to join the conversation and inspire change.

  6. Great post. I run to fulfill an endorphin addiction...and I'm okay with that! ;)

  7. Congratulations on the success of your process.
