
Thursday, May 26, 2016

#ThursdayThoughts: Letter Writing~A Lost Art?

Good Morning Friends,

With today's technology, email, text messaging, face-time, Skype, etc many wonder if the art of old fashioned letter writing is lost.

For me it isn't.

In 2010 when I initially started working at the Silver Spur Guest Ranch in Bandera, Texas, I met a lovely couple from New Zealand who were our guests there for a few days.

They and I struck up a friendship and over the years have written to each other at least every few months.

Last month I received a letter telling me they were coming back to the states and would be flying into Houston...she wondered if I were close enough to visit.

My response....Yes, Yes, Yes!

And yesterday it happened...after 6 years of letter writing I drove 300 miles round trip for a 3 hour visit.

Some folks may feel that's a bit much, especially since we've kept in touch through letters, but for me/us it was worth every mile and minute.

Here's a picture of the three of us together.....

So if you ever get a chance to be a pen pal and exchange letters with someone, do so and when the opportunity arrives to have a face-to-face visit, no distance is too great.

Something to think about.
"Inspirational with an Edge!" ™

Hope you enjoyed today's thoughts! Drop by every week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time...take care and God bless.


  1. Hi Pam,

    E-mailing is just so much easier these days. But there still are people that don't use computers. So it's good to letter write to them as well as phone them. I still send out birthday, anniversary and sympathy cards with personal messages and gifts. Letters and diaries written during previous eras are valued highly by descendants.

  2. What a nice post! So glad you got to visit with your friends in person!

  3. I still remember the letters my Grandpa McKee used to send me when I was in college. They were on stationary with his picture on it from the days when he was a mechanic and it has the business logo on it. He wasn't a sentimental man, for the most part, found it hard to communicate in person, so it was kind of odd that he wrote me. But I treasured those letters from him. They didn't say much. Talked about his day. Maybe a funny story about a squirrel hanging around on their deck, what the weather was like, etc. But the fact that he had taken the time to think of me and sit down and write a letter was pretty special. My step-mom and dad used to write, too, and I loved that.

    I'm so glad that you have taken the time to write your friends and were given the chance to reconnect in person. You're right. It is well worth the effort. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us! I haven't thought about those notes from Grandpa in a long time.

  4. What fun. I would have made the drive too!!

  5. So true Jacquie...letters and diaries ARE valued by descendants.

    Thanks Maureen, we really had a great visit!

    So glad the post helped you remember something special about your Grandfather, MJ.

    Yeah, Linda..definitely a great break from my crazy life!

    Thank you ALL for stopping by.
    good luck and God's blessings to you ALL

  6. I have overseas friends as well. We met 15 years ago and have visited, written, emailed, and Skyped ever since. We count one another as family now. It's such a rich experience to have good friends from other cultures. We're the richer for it. Cheers

  7. What a wonderful story. Makes my heart warm. I still write letters to people as often as I can. I love doing it because I feel it's much more personal than any of these new forms of communication. Thank you for the post!

  8. Isn't it wonderful Marilyn!

    Glad you enjoyed the post Kara and so happy to know someone else who still writes!

    Thank you BOTH for stopping by!
    Good luck and God's blessings.
