
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday Treasure: Conversation

I had a wonderful exchange of words with a dear friend the other day and it made me consider the value conversation holds in our lives.

Ever since I was thrust into the role of single-hood by the death of my husband, I've often commented that one of the things I miss most is intelligent conversation with a man. Yes, Ladies there IS such a thing LOL!

Though I must admit it's hard to find.

Too many men are into mind (and word) games and playing with a woman's emotions.

Women do the same thing and it is disheartening to watch folks be torn down and ripped apart by idle words and meaningless relationships.

But that is not what this post is about and I don't want to get off on that tangent again. You can see how I feel about being single and finding a soul mate in one of my earlier Thursday Thoughts posts.

Spoken, written, or sung, I love words....not just any chatter or gossip, but true, honest, heartfelt, inspiring and uplifting words.

One of the reasons my marriage was so strong, so good, was because my husband and I spent a lot of time talking. Moments of sheer hilarity interspersed with real, deep, meaningful conversation.

I  miss that and have come to realize that these conversations are truly a treasure to behold and to remember always.

Especially in this day and age where they are so hard to come by.

The Bible has a lot to say about fruitless conversation, idle speech, and the words of our mouth. Jesus said it is not what we eat but what comes out of our mouth that defiles us. (Matthew 15:18).

So, my question is.....What words are you speaking?

Something to think about...

"Inspirational with an Edge!" (tm)

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