

I do not read every book/author I spotlight or book tour I host!
Readers, Please research and use wisdom before buying

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Circles of Fate now available in Audio!

WooHoo! Circles of Fate is available NOW in Audio

I love my narrator, Lia Frederick. She does a wonderful job on all my books but this one was AMAZING!

Get your copy today OR email me for a FREE code in return for a review! 


Saturday, July 20, 2024

New Travel Blog!

 In my Feb post, I mentioned I'd started a new spiritual blog, Rainbows, Potholes and Nuggets of Gold, and was contemplating a travel blog. 

Well, Bathroom Blues is up and running! Check it out by clicking on the icon below.

I am in the process of sorting out many pictures from my vacation last month and will be posting regularly on Bathroom Blues. 

I hope you'll follow my travels as in September I'll be heading to the UK for 10 days visiting England & Ireland!

THANKS & God Bless!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Woohoo! A Hint of Romance is Available NOW on Amazon!


*Note: Some of these stories were previously published by White Rose Publishing/Pelican Book Group - All Rights Reverted to Author. Some were published in personal newsletter to a limited audience. Others have never been published.*

Whether married or looking for another chance at romance, love is always in the air for these couples…

Twin Flames: Will twins Ray and Raelee MacFarland get a second chance at love after her husband runs off with his wife?

Like a Rock: Will Macey and Jerry’s love survive midlife crisis and empty nest syndrome?   

The Big Catch: Will Karla come to love fishing as much as Jeff or will his passion for a rod and reel tangle up their relationship?

A Hero for Jessica: Will a “champion” lawyer and the author of romantic suspense find love written in their future?    

In His Sight: Can the relationship between a teacher with the gift of prophecy and a single mother on the run from her deranged ex-husband withstand the tragedy lurking on the horizon?

Review of Love: Can two people who clash over what each perceives as professional writing suspend their judgmental attitudes and find true love?

Paper Roses: Will a homecoming tradition give Patti Howard a chance at love with her son’s football coach?

Journey’s End: Will Ellie’s dream of seeing the world come true with a new man or will she be resigned to staying put and living vicariously through her granddaughter?

Soul Mates: Will Jolie and her soul mate reconnect once again, or will she live another lifetime without him?   

Available on AMAZON in eBook and Print! FREE in KU for a limited time!

Thursday, February 8, 2024

I've Started a New Blog...

Good Afternoon,

In Jan 2023 I decided to take a break from promoting....myself and fellow authors. Frankly I was so burned out with the promotional aspect of writing I just didn't see the benefit of it for me or those I hosted here. 

I took a break from writing too. Until August when Tempered Journey flowed onto the pages with rapid intensity and great joy.

Besides that, my heart was wanting me to go in a whole other direction. (Read on for more on this!)

So you can see, I haven't completely stopped writing or publishing.

I still have numerous projects in the works....In 2022 I received the rights back for The Inheritance and Love in Season from Pelican Book Group. The Inheritance was reissued last year and is available at Amazon in Ebook, Print and Audio.


I've taken the eight stories from Love in Season and put them, along with others, into two different collections. A Hint of Romance and A Hint of Holiday Romance will be published this year. 

Well, at least one will be LOL!

Now on to the purpose of this post....

For years I've thought about writing a book or two based on all of the things I've learned on my spiritual/self improvement journey throughout my life. I've also considered starting a YouTube channel with this information. 

Alas, I know nothing about making YouTube videos and am not comfortable in front of the camera so until I am ready to face and overcome those obstacles, I've started a new blog which is hosted on my website.

Rainbows, Potholes and Nuggest of Gold Gleaned Along Life's Journey

Hopefully you'll check it out.

I've also reinstated my Life Coaching and am doing monthly events at Edgemont Healing Center in Lake Charles.

I'm also considering (and have been for a while) a travel blog. I'll keep you posted on that. AND, I am thinking about reviving this blog to once again spotlight authors and artists and their projects. I'll let you know about that too.

So, stay tuned and until next time....

Take Care & God Bless and THANK YOU for your continued love, support and understanding.
