
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

#WednesdayWordswithFriends Welcomes Nancy AKA: NN Light's!

Good Morning Friends,

If you've followed me for long, you've heard me mention NN Light's Book Heaven. Well today it is my pleasure to introduce you to Nancy or Mrs. N from NN Lights! 

A lot of people ask me to describe myself. I tend to avoid questions like that because, hey, I’m just me. I’m also shy which is why I’m a writer. Here it goes. My name is Nancy, but I am well-known in the book world as Mrs. N aka N. N. Light. Without further ado, here are twenty-six fun facts about me, alphabetical, for your enjoyment.

A- Art lover and one time, I got lost in the Louvre and had to ask a guard for directions.

B- Baking is a secret obsession of mine. I love to bake and I love trying new recipes. I tend to share my creations on Instagram and Facebook.

C- Chocolate is my favorite food and, in my opinion, it should be a food group.

D- Dreamt of marrying a chef and getting published ever since I was eighteen. 2/2 is pretty good!

E- Exercise saved my life and I walk over 20 miles a week, no matter the weather.

F- Favorite foods include: anything Italian, Greek, Mexican, pizza, steak, burgers, lobster, etc.

G- Great writers I admire: Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Harlan Coben, Sophie Kinsella, J. K. Rowling, Stephen King and Agatha Christie.

H- Happiness is curled up reading a book or watching a movie with Mr. N.

I- Inspiration is all around me and I get inspired by the smallest thing. 

J- Jovial is a way to describe me. There is nothing more I love to do than laugh, even if it is at myself. 

K- Kindness to everyone is one of my mantras for living.

L- Love Actually is one of my favorite movie and I watch it at least twice times a year.

M- MLB is one of my favorite sports to watch and my favorite team is the Minnesota Twins.

N- Natural beauty is my lifestyle and appearance. I don’t overdo on make-up, perfume or jewelry. Short red hair tousled, light eye shadow complimenting my hazel eyes and a big smile are all the accessories I need to make an outfit complete. 

O- Only child growing up left me free to explore my world using my imagination and books.

P- Perseverance throughout life is what has made me into the woman I am today.

Q- Questions tumbled out of my mouth as a child and some of my teachers found it annoying.  I was curious about everything and wanted to know how stuff worked. 

R- Romance is not something couples do once or twice a year; it’s every day and that’s how my marriage with Mr. N continues to feel like we’re still newlyweds. This summer we’ll be celebrating our eighteenth wedding anniversary.

S- School was troublesome for me due to bullying but I survived and I try to inspire others to stand up to bullies.

T- Twitter is my favorite social media site although I am discovering how addictive Facebook can be.

U- Understanding is one my strongest personality attributes.  I can empathize with anyone and when needed, I give out hugs.

V- Vino in a glass is one of my favorite ways to unwind after a long day.  My tastes vary but my go-to variety is Cabernet Sauvignon.

W- Winnie the Pooh is my favorite cartoon character growing up and I still love it.  I relate to all the friends from Hundred Acre Wood: Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, Kanga, Roo, Rabbit, Owl and Christopher Robin.

X- Xtra shy in front of a camera has been something I have had to deal with since I was ten.  I would much rather meet in person or talk on the phone. I’m still a work in progress.

Y- Yoda is my favorite Star Wars character and I try to emulate him. Wise, he is.

Z- Zen or prayer is something I incorporate in my everyday life.  It’s a constant conversation and I wouldn’t have it any other way. My spiritual life is a living thing and one I cherish.

That’s a little bit about me, Nancy.  I hope you enjoyed learning more about me. Now here's a little bit more about the inspirational thought book I wrote with Mr. N a few years ago.

"Spread the Light and inspire others to do the same." -- N. N. Light

In 2013, we wrote a mission statement and started a blog. We wanted to test a theory. Could one person (or in our case, one couple) use uplifting words to create change?

The answer is a resounding yes! People from all over the world responded to our short inspirational thoughts of the day, and our following grew. What started out as a few people promoting kindness and goodwill turned into a movement. In every city, there are Light-Bearers making a difference and we want you to join us.

Everyone needs inspiration. It doesn’t matter what spiritual belief you hold dear, you have the Light inside you. Kindness, compassion, empathy, encouragement are all attributes of the Light. In this book, you’ll find a ninety second inspirational thought for each day of the year. You’ll be inspiring people to spread the Light daily with our collection of inspirational thoughts. From giving of yourself to simply smiling, these are easy concepts for anyone to apply!


The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don't give up!

Do you need a little encouragement?

This week has been a series of missteps and falters for me. I'm totally exhausted and in need of a rest. I've been working my tail off and yesterday was feeling a little low. Without me saying a word, I had three friends, two clients and MR N all tell me the same thing:

You're doing amazing work and I'm so proud of you.

Those ten words uplifted and encouraged me. It was the boost I needed.

Each of us is dealing with one struggle or another. We're trying to make it through the day. Some days are harder than others. The truth is, we need to go through these struggles to deal with what comes tomorrow.

N. N. Light is the award-winning husband-wife writing team, commonly known as Mr. N and Mrs. N.

Mrs. N. has been creating stories ever since she was little. Her grandfather remembers when she was two years old, she would stand at the top of the stairs and tell him a story filled with emotion (and in a language foreign to him) with her hands on her hips. Let’s just say she was a born storyteller.

They’re blissfully happy and loves all things chocolate, books, music, movies, art, sports, trains, history, cooking and baking. Their mantra is to spread the Light.

In addition to being authors, they’re also book promoters/reviewers, social media marketers/influencers and the owners of N. N. Light Author Promotions. They both love books, have ever since they were young. Matching up books and readers is something that gives them great pleasure.

Find and Follow NN Light's at....

Get your copy of NN Light's Daily Book of Inspiration at the following locations....

It has been a real treat getting to know more about you, Nancy. I agree chocolate should be a food group LOL! We certainly wish you and Mr. N the best of luck and God's blessings!

Hope you enjoyed today's guest as much as I have, Friends. Check out NN Light's "Christmas in July Fete" and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway for a chance to win a $75 Amazon gift card!

Until next time, take care and God bless.


  1. Oh wow, it is so great learning more about you! I think we are very similar, if those 26 things are an indication. So wonderful getting to know you better!

  2. Thank you, Pamela, for allowing me the space to share tidbits about myself and to also promote our inspirational thought book. You're so kind.

  3. Thank you, Jennifer! I'm so glad you enjoyed my post. I had fun with the whole A to Z thing. :)

  4. I liked getting to know you with the alphabet. I think chocolate should be a food group, too.

  5. Hey, Soul Sister! We could be friends. Thanks for sharing, Ladies.

  6. Hi Barbara, thank you for stopping by and checking out my post. We should start a petition to get chocolate approved as a food group. WHO has already listed it as a superfood. lol!

  7. So happy to get to know you a little better! I just picked up a print copy of your book, and I'll add it to my daily inspirational reading. Thanks for all you do for authors!

  8. Hi Alina, thank you for your praise. I figured it was time to 'out' myself. Thank you for purchasing a print copy of our book. I hope you enjoy it. :)

  9. What a FUN blog idea! Enjoyed learning more about you!
    Annette O'Hare

  10. Hi Annette! It really was fun. I like being creative in my writing. It's great to meet you. :)

  11. Hi N. N.

    It was interesting reading about you via the alphabet. I must exercise too, swimming for me, and I really miss it if I can't get to the pool.

  12. Absolutely amazing, Nancy! I enjoyed learning more about you! And Love Actually is one of our all time favorite movies to watch. Hmmm, I believe I need to pull out the dvd for tonight. Thank you for sharing!

  13. I'm so thrilled you took this leap! We have way too many things in common! :-)

  14. A truly interesting post! Congrats on your book.

  15. I loved learning more about you! P.s. I use your pizza dough recipe every time I make pizza now. I'm never going back! I love your mantra. Thank you for spreading the light <3

  16. I really enjoyed getting to know you better, Nancy. And I love the concept of the Light-Bearers. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own issues, we forget that just a simple effort can make a difference to someone. An example: I had gone to the local Big Store pharmacy for a prescription yesterday when a stranger driving her cart the other way gave me a smile. A simple smile perked me up, made me smile in return and reminded me of the importance of even small gestures. That came at a time when I really needed it. All the best with your book, Mrs. N. (And count me in on the effort to declare chocolate a food group :) )

  17. Hi Gail and thank you for reading. I love swimming. We live next to a lake but it's rather chilly to swim in there. I love walking and bird watching.

  18. Hi Mary! I hope you and your hubby were able to curl up and watch Love Actually last night. It's such a great movie! Thank you for reading my fun post.

  19. Hiya Keit! I think we do too. lol! Thank you for dropping by and reading about me. Maybe we should start a club or something.

  20. Hi Jacqueline! Thank you for stopping by and reading my post. I haven't seen you in quite some time. I hope you are doing well.

  21. OMG I LOVE THIS!!!!! I knew I loved you - and have for so long, but hearing you're an only child, were bullied, and how you view romance, just made my month!!!!!! YOu are such an inspiration to everyone you have touched - me included!!!! and I am so glad you are "Coming out of your shell" to share parts of yourself with us. YAY!!!!

  22. Hi Sydney! I'm so thrilled you enjoyed reading more about me. Glad to hear it's your go-to pizza crust recipe. It's super easy. If you need more recipes, let me know. I have a ton of them. Keep smiling, Sydney. You are a Light Bearer.

  23. Hi Barbara! Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. I discovered along life's journey that the simplest things can have the greatest impact on people. The best thing about a Light Bearer is anyone can be one. You don't need money, only an open heart, and a kind word.

  24. Hi Peggy! Just seeing your comment made me grin from ear to ear. You are one of the greatest Light Bearers I've ever met. No matter what you're dealing with, you always have a kind word, encouraging virtual hug, and more for those among your circle, me included. I swear, we must be soul sisters! *hugs* Me coming out of my shell is all your fault, but then maybe that was your master plan. Hee hee! I love being me and having the support of women like you.

  25. Hey Nancy,
    I loved getting to know you better with your A through Z. A very fun way. We love the MLB and I'm okay with you loving the Twins. As long as it's not the Red socks we can be friends. And I love Winnie the Pooh and the rest I have a Winnie and Tigger tattoo on my ankle. So many other things we have in common.

    This is great, I need to pick up your inspiration book!

    Take care!
