
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

#WednesdayWordswithFriends Welcomes... Me Again!

Good Morning,

I pray your Valentine's Day was blessed and happy and that your Mardi Gras celebrations are safe and fun-filled! Did you know the King Cake tradition is thought to have been brought to New Orleans from France in 1870 and the colors (Purple for Justice, Green for Faith and Gold for Power) were chosen to resemble a jeweled crown honoring the Wise Men who visited the Christ Child on Epiphany? I thought that bit of trivia would interest you, especially since Mardi Gras is right around the corner.

Earlier this month I mentioned that I was cleaning and decluttering my room and creating space for a new bed and desk. Since that's all done now, I thought I'd share the results with you. You may (or may not) know I've been living in a tiny home (actually a 12x30 shed that was fashioned into a small efficiency house) since 2018. When I first moved in, the place was furnished with a double bed, and a huge dresser which I asked the landlord to remove so my desk would fit in its place. I also had 2 book cases all in an 8x12 bedroom. Talk about crowded, but I made it work. Here's a quick video of the house (forgive the darkness photography is not my strong point LOL!) ...

Well in the past few weeks, I've gotten a new (single) bed onto which my Honey built a bookcase headboard. I bought a smaller desk and rearranged the room and it looks and feels a whole lot bigger! It's funny how such a simple change can make a huge difference in the energy of a room and give renewed life to the entire place including its inhabitants. Take a look....

Here's a short video...

I appreciate all the feedback on Circles of Fate cover last month. I put the entire issue on the back burner for now because no matter how many times I looked at them or who said what, none really spoke to me on an intuitive level. I'll look at them again and let y'all know what/when I decide on changing that cover. 

Not much else happening in my personal life. As for the writing.... Love is a Rose audiobook is out and I have FREE codes for anyone who'd like to listen and review the book. 

Email me or leave a comment with your request and I'll send one right over to you. Don't forget, I still have codes for Lori's Redemption, Tempered Truth and Keri's Christmas Wish too! 

I'm still doing writing sprints and now have over 14K words on Women of the 9th Circle, and I've got my edits back on Kyleigh's story. I discovered a new publishing company, Magnolia Blossom and like what I've seen of their current releases so I may submit this book to them. Either way, I'll keep you informed as things move along with that book.

I’ve got a new short romantic story up on my website for newsletter subscribers so if you haven’t done so already, subscribe today!

That's about it for now, friends. Hope you enjoyed catching up as much as I did and that you'll check back each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God bless.



  1. Your home looks cozy and inviting. It seems so much bigger. Oh, and wow you are a busy lady. D.

  2. Small changes can make a huge difference.

  3. Ok, your house was bigger than I imagined. And I love the quilt on your bed. Very pretty!

  4. It's amazing what a change in furniture can make! Thank you for sharing and for letting us know what you're working on.

  5. Thank You ALL!
    I appreciate your support
