
Wednesday, May 19, 2021

#WednesdayWordswithFriends Happy Birthday to ME!

Yep, today's the big 60 and I'm ecstatic. No, not crazy LOL! but ecstatic because May 31st is my last day of work outside of the home. 

I'm probably the only woman you'll meet that actually looked forward to turning 40. As Rebecca Sinclair (The Inheritance) put it....

When I turn forty, my youngest will be eighteen and out of school, and I’ll be through raising kids!

Now I know you never truly finish raising kids, but there comes a point when you're more a friend and advisor than instructor/corrector. For me that was age 40.

When you lose a spouse, you don't think about the future too far in advance but at some point, you realize God has a purpose and a plan for your life. For me, turning 60 means I can RETIRE!

From Insurance at least. I'll probably never retire from writing and doing the things I love. And, although I'll be forever grateful for the jobs God has blessed me with in the past, I'm looking forward to working on My Stuff (actually HIS stuff.) 

Much like Melena in My Heart Weeps, I can finally, fully focus on my writing career.

But hey, I'm keeping my Insurance License active for the next several years in case I get bored being retired and want to go back to work. 

Anyway, since today is my birthday, I'm offering a gift to YOU!

Leave a comment & your email address and one lucky winner will receive an E-copy of The Inheritance and one, My Heart Weeps.

Thank you and Good luck!



  1. Congratulations on your retirement. You will love it.

  2. Thank you Mary!
    I appreciate your support

  3. Congratulations and happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday!I'm with you. My last day is May 28th. CONGRATULATIONS! D.

  5. How exciting for you! Happy Birthday and wow, what a lot to look forward to. I have a feeling your new year around the sun is going to be so much fun.

  6. Thank you ALL so much!
    I'm excited for you too, Donna.
    I appreciate Each and Every One of YOU!

  7. Wow...happy birthday and Happy retirement!! I also turn 60 this year...July 1st. But I cannot retire until I turn 67, unfortunately. It's a good thing I love my day job!

  8. Happy birthday, Pam! Happy retirement, too. But as writers, do we ever retire?

  9. Happy Birthday, Pam! Retirement from the day job is the best!

  10. Happy birthday and congratulations on your retirement. Happy writing!

  11. Thanks Alicia....I am drawing Widow's Pension SS benefits otherwise it'd be 67 for me too.
    Nope, writers never really retire Barbara.
    THANKS Jacqueline, Alina and Anonymous!
    I appreciate you ALL
