
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

#WednesdayWordswithFriends welcomes Victoria Buck!

Good Morning,

Today's guest has been in the spotlight before so please welcome Victoria back to our blog as she shares some words with us on her opinion of what makes good Christian fiction. Take it away Vicki!

The life of a Christian can become insulated. I imagine it as a bubble, and sometimes I’m content to exist inside the protective layer of church, morality, and Christian friends and family who speak fluent Christianese. I don’t want to step outside that world. I don’t want to pop the bubble. But sometimes God pops it for me.

Life inside the bubble offers little influence for those living on the outside. For me, reading and writing about characters I’d never meet on the inside is what makes good Christian fiction. After writing a couple of blog posts about atheism, I was drawn outside my bubble by responses from the atheist community. That experience sparked my imagination, and I wrote Our Town Atheist.

Small-town banker Adam Bender tackles a robber and loses. But that's not what shakes the foundations of his well-managed life. He awakens in the hospital to the vision of an angel. But that's not what casts doubt on his reasonable judgment. Turns out the angel is only a beautiful doctor—someone Adam wants to get to know better.

The bank robber is on the loose and out to get Adam. News spreads in the gossipy little town of Adam's misfortune, his love interest, and his...atheism? He'd thought he could keep that a secret. But Adam Bender can handle it. Or, can he?

What happens one night on a mountain road leaves him questioning his worldview. And his sanity. And soon the whole town is waiting to find out if what Adam saw will alter his unbelief.

Victoria Buck is a native of Central Florida. From her home office, she runs a small business with her husband, and writes unusual stories from a Christian worldview. Her first three books make up the near future Wake the Dead trilogy. Wake the Dead, Killswitch and Transfusion follow the adventures of Chase Sterling, a popular celebrity who becomes the world’s first transhuman. Her fourth novel, Our Town Atheist, offers a mystifying twist in the story of a smalltown banker who tries to hide his unbelief.

Amazon purchase link: 

Sounds like a wonderful read, Vicki. Good luck and God's blessings!

Hope you enjoyed Vicki's post as much as I did and that you'll stop by each week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God bless.


  1. Seeing an angel would certainly get you wondering.

  2. Congratulations on your new release, Victoria.

  3. Congratulations on the release! I love the title.

  4. Congratulations on your new release. You are so right about being insulated from life, especially during this time when we are being extra careful. Thanks for the reminder to reach beyond our little worlds.

  5. Your new release sounds fascinating. Best wishes for a successful launch!

  6. Oh wow, that blurb hooked me for sure. Sounds like a great read. Congrats and best wishes!

  7. I love how you've done something so creative and different with this. It's going on my TBR list!

  8. What a lovely way to meet the person you love! And to be seen as an it!

  9. Congratulations on your release. Thank you for sharing. 🦉

  10. Love the premise. This sounds like a great story!

  11. Congrats on the new novel! Best wishes for your continued success.
