
Saturday, August 1, 2020

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Carol James @CarolJamesAuth & Season of Hope!

Good Morning!

Well, no Dixie World Championship for us this time. Arkansas beat South Carolina so I guess the score is even...until next year (hopefully). Anyway, I'm back home in Louisiana and have a TON of things to do today so without much further ado, please welcome today's guest, Carol James. Carol has shared Treasures and Thoughts with us and has been in our Spotlight before but today we're getting a sneak peek into her brand new novel, Season of Hope

Hope Stockton’s life is dead, frozen in a winter of guilt, deceit, and fear. When handsome young pastor, Josh Lewis, comes to serve in her church, she wonders if she can trust him with her past. Will he be able to help her answer the questions that have been buried in her heart for years? Or will his own secrets drive them apart and prevent him from helping Hope find her spring of forgiveness?

Set in small town Texas in the years during and following the Vietnam war, Season of Hope is a story of forgiveness and restoration.

Excerpt: He crossed off the last entry on the list. When he’d vowed to do this, he’d had no idea it would be so difficult. He’d called every entry in the phone book and every additional number he’d gotten from Information with no success. 

He didn’t have enough money to hire a private investigator, and even if he had the funds, he may not have enough information for the detective to be successful. 

As the evening sun shone through the gap between his bedroom curtains, the gold chain and pendant sparkled as if mocking his efforts. Opening the small Bible, he placed the necklace back between its pages and slowly folded the covers closed. 

He was tired. Tired of war, tired of loss, tired of failure. 

Father, it’s in Your hands now. I’ve done all I know to do.

Carol James is an author of inspirational fiction, in particular redemptive romance. She lives in a small town outside of Atlanta, Georgia with her husband, Jim, and a perky Jack Russell "Terrorist," Zoe.

Having always loved intriguing stories with happy endings, she was moved to begin writing to encourage others as she'd been encouraged by the works of other authors of inspirational fiction.

Her debut novel, Rescuing Faith, was an Amazon number one best seller. 

Carol enjoys spending time with her husband, children, and grandchildren, traveling with friends, and serving in the production department at her church. And most days, in the late hours of the night or the wee hours of the morning, she can be found bringing her newest novel to life.

Connect with Carol at the following locations....




Get your copy of Season of Hope at Amazon, Pelican Book Group (Ebook), and Barnes & Noble (Nook)

Sounds like a wonderful story, Carol. Good luck and God's blessings with it and your other books!

Hope you enjoyed the post, friends and that you'll check back weekly for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight. 

Until next time, take care and God bless.

PS: I haven't had a chance to draw for July gift card so watch your email AND the blog Wednesday to see who won!


  1. Thank so much for featuring Season of Hope, Pam!

  2. Hi, Carol. Love your cover. It sounds like a great book. D. V. 🦉

    1. Thanks, D.V. I love the cover, too. My publisher did a wonderful design job capturing the essence of the story.

  3. One of my favorite reads of the year. I'm partial to young pastors as my son is one. Congratulations, Carol.

    1. Thanks, Barb. I’m partial to pastors, too. My grandfather was one. I’m so glad you enjoyed the book.

  4. Carol, good luck with your new release and good for you! That is a period of time I remember well. We are still learning from it. Or we should be.

    1. Thanks! Yes, it's a period of great nostalgia to me as I was in high school and college during those years. I’m glad to see it becoming more popular with readers and publishers.

  5. This sounds wonderful. I liked the excerpt. It's a different time period, which is interesting.

  6. Thanks, Kara. I’m glad you enjoyed the excerpt. Yes, that period in our history is now becoming popular. Since I was a student during the Vietnam war, the timeframe is quite nostalgic to me.

  7. Those post-Vietnam war years were such a difficult time. Sounds like a great story!

  8. Yes, Alina. An interesting time of unrest and uncertainty. Thanks for your kind words.

  9. This sounds so amazing Thank you for sharing!

  10. I rather like the idea of 'redemptive romance'.

  11. Thanks, Mary. Me, too. Not long after I started writing, I realized the main message of all my romances was forgiveness and redemption. I didn’t set out for it to happen that way. It was just a happy coincidence. And redemptive romance was born.

  12. This sounds like a fine book with a worthy message and theme. Best wishes.

  13. Jacqueline Seawald, Thanks so much for your encouraging comment!
