
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

#WednesdayWordswithFriends welcomes D.V. Stone!

Good Morning Friends!

If you've followed my blog long enough, you know I just LOVE introducing you to new (to me) authors and their books. Today is no exception.

Though she may not be new to some of you, for those of us who didn't know her before now, D.V. Stone hosts a weekly blog, "Welcome to the Campfire." She is a multi-genre author of two independently published books. Felice, Shield-Mates of Dar is a fantasy romance. Agent Sam Carter and the Mystery at Branch Lake is a mid-grade paranormal. 

Born in Brooklyn, D.V. Stone has moved around a bit and even lived for a time on a dairy farm in Minnesota before moving back east. Throughout her wandering, she always considered herself a Jersey Girl. She met and married the love of her life, Pete—a lifelong Jersey Man, and moved this time to Sussex County.  They live with Hali, a mixed breed from the local shelter and their cat Baby.

D.V.’s career path varied from working with the disabled to become a volunteer EMT, which in turn led to working in hospital emergency rooms and then in a women's state prison. After a few years, she took a break from medicine and became the owner of Heavenly Brew, a specialty coffee shop in Sparta NJ, and a small restaurant in Lafayette. Life handed some setbacks, and she ended up back in the medical field, but this time in a veterinary emergency hospital. 

During the poor economy, she was laid–off from a long-time position she cared about. Devastated, D.V. wondered what to do with her life. Finding comfort in her love of reading, she realized it was now time to follow her dream of writing. It's been a long road but worth every minute of it. Now a published author, she also works in a people medical office again.

Find out more about D. V. by visiting and connecting with her on  her  Website  Facebook   Twitter     Instagram    Pinterest     Bookbub      Goodreads    Amazon Author Page   Welcome to the Campfire Blog  and sign up for her Newsletter

Now let's see what D. V. has to share with us today....

Pam, thank you so much for allowing me to share today about where inspiration and ideas come from. I almost always keep a pen and paper with me. If I’m caught without them then I use the voice recorder on my phone or call myself and leave a message. 

Inspiration comes from life experience, pictures, items, and even smells. Even a fractured piece of an overheard conversation can spark a character or scene. The image below, inspired one of my works in progress, Jazz House’s character Madeline. 

In my first book (which is still a work in progress), I was watching Lord of the Rings, and this scene came on the screen. 

For those not familiar. Haldir, an Elven Prince, was pretty stiff. When Aragorn hugged him, he froze. Then he relaxed into the greeting. This lone image was the inspiration for Kíeran in my epic romantic fantasy Kingdom at a Crossroad (again a work in progress). I asked what if? Straight-laced and very proper, Kíeran becomes enamored with a human woman who, after centuries, evokes feelings of love but also anger, fear, jealousy, heartbreak. 

Rock House Grill, my new release, had many inspirations. In real life, I was an EMT and owned a restaurant. Blending these two things was very natural when I began to write the book under the pressure of National Novel Writing Month. Thirty days, fifty thousand words—go. Write what you know. 

But I think my best inspiration came from my nephew. One day we were at a Christmas concert. He crawled over a couple of laps and plopped across from me. Here’s our conversation.

“Aunt Donna, you’re a writer, right?” Carter’s hands were propped on the chair with his chin in them.
“Yes,” I answered tentatively.

“Good. I want you to write about me, but I want to have a long mustache and ride a Harley.”

So, truly, inspiration can come from anywhere. Even a seven-year-old boy at a Christmas concert.

Whether you’re an author, painter, jewelry maker, or musician—keep your eyes and ears open. You never know where the ideas will come from.

Wow, you are SO right, D.V! Thanks for sharing. We wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your writing career.

Hope you enjoyed today's inspiration friends. D.V.'s books can be purchased on Amazon. Be sure to leave a comment and enter into my monthly drawing for a $15 gift card!

Until next time, take care, stay safe & God Bless.


  1. Hi D.V.,

    Congrats on your new novel! I feel connected. Like you I'm a Jersey girl and my husband was born and raised in Brooklyn. I also write YA and adult fiction. I wish you much success with your work.

    1. Hey, Jersey! Wow and a Brooklyn connection too.! Thanks and good luck to you as well.
      D. V. 🦉

  2. Pam, thanks for having me here today.🦉

  3. I love the story about your nephew! Best of luck with the books, and stay healthy!

  4. Hi Alina, thank you. It's one of my favorite stories regarding the question 'where do you get your ideas?' D. V.
