
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

#WednesdayWordswithFriends Your Best Day/Life Ever!

Good Morning Friends,

Well, November is only 2 days away and Christmas is less than 2 months away....No, I haven't begun my shopping. Have you?

Last week I saw this meme on Facebook from Intelligence is Sexy, and it really started  me thinking...

How often do we do this? Really?

So I shared this and challenged everyone, including myself to stop complaining and to get up every morning, do the Jesus Happy Dance say out loud, "It's the BEST day ever!"

This morning I'd like to challenge you, Friends, to do the same and to let me know how this affects the rest of your day.

Looking forward to your comments.

Until next time, take care, God bless and remember.... Living your Best Life Now begins with the Best Day Ever!

Something to think about
"Inspirational with an Edge!" 

Find out more about Sexy Intelligence on their Website and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.


  1. Pam,

    You're right about us not romanticizing our lives, perhaps considering them ordinary. But we are fortunate just being alive and should never take that for granted.
    I am looking out at the leaves turning colors and find that very romantic.

  2. Funny you should bring this up. I was telling my husband, I'm working on being more joyful. I am so blessed in so many ways, but sometimes I forget that, perfectionist that I am!

  3. Yes! I do this as often as possible. It beats the resentment and bitterness and I find I am not as angry. I also don't end up getting mad at people for things that just don't matter. The other thing it does is it helps me not to form unfair opinions about people.

  4. Thank you ALL for commenting. I can relate to each of you. I love the turning leaves too, Jacqueline although not so much the turning temperatures LOL! I don't mind's when things turn to cold, wet, nasty....UUGGHH!

    I hear you Alina! I tend to be more negative when I'm tired. Try to keep quiet then LOL.

    You're right, Kara! Thinking on our blessings and being positive CAN help us to stay sweet and less judgmental.

    Good luck and God's blessings to each of you

  5. This is perfect!! We all need to take this to heart. The world would be a much better place. Thanks for giving me a jolt of a reminder. :) Hugs...
