
Wednesday, October 9, 2019

#WednesdayWordswithFriends Guest: Sloan McBride

Good Morning!

Well, fall fell here in SW LA...for now anyway we are enjoying cooler nights and milder days and I am SO happy about that! I'm more of a Summer person but I'm d-o-n-e with high 90's that feel like triple digits!

I hope you enjoyed DiAnn's visit yesterday and the treasure she shared. Today's guest is new to me and our blog so without much further ado please welcome Sloan McBride to share a few words with us....

So a couple of weeks ago I moved my daughter to Tennessee.  She is a writer, but her first love is music so she combines her writing and her music. I support both my children in absolutely everything they do and always try to find a positive, bright side to anything.  No matter how much you want them to succeed, and how proud you are of them for trying it’s hard not to miss them terribly when they are gone.  If I had my way (and all the money in the world) I’d own many acres of land where I’d build a plantation-type house (I don’t need anything too BIG), and houses for my kids. We’d have an animal preserve with a huge lake (and slide for the penguins), and full film studio (for my son).  But, alas, that’s a pipe dream.  You have to let them go out into the world and live their lives.

This is the link to my book page on my website where all my books are along with links to all the sites where they are available in every format.

Bio: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all.  Okay, the answer was never me, but a girl can dream, can't she?  I grew up with fairytales and happy ever after, so it stands to reason that when I write, I make sure my characters have their happy ending.  It may not always be what you'd expect, but it works for them. 

I write romance, no doubt about it.  I can't imagine writing anything else.  I'm a hopeless romantic, or a hopeful one.  Either way, readers get the hope.

My books delve into the paranormal romance, romantic suspense, time travel, gypsies, tramps, and thieves.  Oh sorry, I went off into my music zone for a minute.  I have fantasy, mythology, and I try to make it all relate to the everyday.

Thanks for your interest.  Happy Reading!!!!

You can also find me here:


Wow, Sloan, how right you are...we have to let our children go and grow and make their own place and way in this world. Thank you SO much for sharing with us. We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings.

PamT and Friends


  1. My mother and others have long "accused" me of living in a dream world. In my world, I always expect projects and plans to work out. More often than not, they did and do. You, Sloan, keep right on stepping out. We dreamers are rarely disappointed. We compensate those occasional miscues bolstering ourselves with memories of good times and pushing toward the promise of the future. Planning a plantation doesn't injure anyone else, and who knows? No ridicule here. I've seen things. You go, girl!

  2. People always make fun of me for believing in happily ever after. It's all in good fun, but I know they're hard to come by. It's hard work and you have to be patient, but it comes! And if you do manage to get a slide for penguins, I sooooo want to come visit you! Good luck with your writing and the book. It sounds great!

  3. Sometimes I think the late teen/early adult years can be much harder because the urge to save sons and daughters from mistakes is so strong. Great post!

  4. Thanks, ladies. Yes, it seems that being in your 20's these days is a lot harder than when I grew up. They don't make it easy for young people to survive on their own. They get a college degree because they are told they need one, and then they can't find a job in their field. It's vicious!

    I've lived in a dream world all my life. I've had to to survive, but I stay hopeful and positive as much as I can. I try to steer clear of negative energy. In this day and age that's no easy feat. :-)

    I appreciate your kind words.

  5. Great post. Yes, I agree. I'd like to keep my adult children close and be able to watch over them, but we do have to let them go. We don't love them any less as they grow up, though. Your book sounds like a fantastic read. Best wishes!

  6. Congrats on your new novel. Paranormal is perfect for Halloween month. Wishing you much success and your daughter as well.

  7. Thanks, Alicia. Yes, I think we love them even more when they move away.

    Jacqueline, thanks for the kind words.

