
Saturday, September 21, 2019

#SaturdaySpotlight is on Dana Littlejohn & Tri-Romance

Good Morning Friends,

It's been a busy week and only going to get busier as Medicare AEP comes up next month. We've had several days of rain and our friends in SE TX are flooding again....much like they did with Hurricane Harvey. Please keep them in your prayers.

Today's guest is new to me and brought to us by Personalized Marketing Inc. so please give Dana Littlejohn, author of sensual, erotic romance a huge welcome!

Twin sisters, Opal and Pearl Jefferson, and their best friend Debra Flores were living blissfully by their no strings attached rule, enjoying the many comforts of a good life. All was well in their world until Frank, Jake, Doug and Rakim entered into it. When one of the girls abandons their well practiced rule and falls in love, does her decision throw a monkey wrench into the lives of everyone else around her? Or does it open up the possibility for love to capture them all?

Excerpt: Opal spotted Doug coming from the floor, but tried not to smile. The braids fit his head nicely. They made the almond shape of his eyes and cute rounded ears stand out more.

“So, what do you think?” he asked leaning across the counter.

“It looks great. Debbie always does a good job.”

“I’ll be in the car, man. See ya, Opal.”

“Bye, Rakim, remember what I said.”

Doug nodded at him then returned his attention to Opal. “Okay, maybe I should rephrase the question. What I meant was, how do you like the braids on me? How do you like me in the braids? How about just me, by myself? Do you like me?"

She chuckled. “You want to know all that?”

He laughed, too, a throaty, sexy sound that kept the smile on her face when she heard it.

“Well, maybe not all of that. How about just this one: will you go out with me?”

“I don’t know you, Doug.”

“I’m trying to change that, baby girl, if you give me the chance. Let me take you out so you can get to know me. People who know me like me, you know.” He flashed that beautiful smile again.

“They do, huh?”

“Yeah, girl. Come on, let me show you.”


He came to the other side of the counter and pulled her up. “Will ‘please’ help my case?” he whispered.

He held her firmly by the waist, pulling her closer. She put her hands on his chest to push herself back. The firmness of his torso excited her.

“Umm, okay.” She reached over to pull a business card from the desk and handed it to him. “Call me and we’ll set something up.”

He smiled again, dazzling her one more time. “Awesome, I‘ll do that.” Letting her go, he pulled a pair of shades from his top pocket and put the card in its place. He gave her a wink and walked toward the door.


He stopped holding the door open and slid the glasses in place.

“You do look good in your braids, much better than that poof you started with,” she said with a teasing smile.

This book is sensual and erotic. NC 17 rating and can be purchased directly from Dana who is going to tell us a little more about herself in her own words....

Writing has always been a part of my blood, my soul. As a child I wrote hickory dickory dock type poetry as i doodled on my papers in school. By the time I got to middle school I was writing full stories in weekly installments to entertain my friends.
I continued to write over the years but life and family took over. When my children grew up and moved out I had time to write again. I wrote my first real novel in 2003 and got it published in 2006. I haven't stopped writing and I don't plan to.

Come along on the wild ride through my imagination. You will not regret it!

Links for me-

Thanks Dana! We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your writing career.

Thanks friends for dropping by. Hope to see you again next week for Wednesday Words with Friends and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God bless.


  1. Hi Pamela,

    Thank you again for hosting one of our clients! Dana is a lovely lady and has an interesting mix of stories.


  2. Thanks so much for having me on your site today.

  3. Pam,

    It's great that you are presenting a variety of writers with different styles and genres.
