
Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Good Morning!

As I mentioned in my last post, I am hoping to be more consistent in sharing my thoughts with you.

Wednesday Words with Friends came about as a result of being too busy and too many authors unable to fulfill the Tuesday Treasures and/or Thursday Thoughts posts. I found that my time was stretched thinner than taffy. Narrowing my time posting and promoting my blog has helped tremendously.

I've actually been focusing on my writing career more consistently too.

I finished my manuscript My Heart Weeps and it is currently with a freelance editor. Excited and anxious to see what changes, comments and suggestion she makes. Also, which agents and/or publishers she recommends. I've entered The Visionary in Readers Favorite Annual Book Award Contest and just yesterday wrote and submitted a story to Woman's World magazine. Thoughts and Prayers Appreciated!

I've also found I have a knack and passion for personal interest stories. Last year I started writing for Lagniappe - a local publication. This opportunity actually came about when I sent them my story, Derby Dreams in which I recapped my experience visiting Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby.

Since I've written several articles for them, but what I love most are those that involve interviewing people and telling their story! 

Like this one on a retired Mosquito Control Pilot and one on my son, a Choreographer and Coach.

I ended Dance of Dreams with.....The point of this story is not to brag on my son (although I am proud!) but to encourage others, especially the young people in our community that passion and ambition combined with opportunity can create miracles where dreams do come true. So, no matter what your dream ¬¬--whether it’s to be a dancer, artist, writer, salesman, chef, landscape artist¬¬, whatever! -- dance with it, live it, and never give up. Make it happen and…Never. Stop. Dancing.

Last night I sent in an article on my boss whose passion is the Civil War and today I'm interviewing the Rodeo Coach at our local university.

I love writing and although I'm not making enough money off of  my writing/editing/publishing endeavors to do that full time (yet), I guess I'm really following my own advice because this IS my dream!

I hope this post encourages you to follow your own dreams and whether or not that brings you national acclaim or tons of money, never stop dancing with it!

Until next time take care and God bless.


  1. I'd like to read the Churchill Downs recollections as I've never been there, and as a horse person, always wanted to go. I'd particularly like a lovely Derby hat!

  2. What an interesting topic! Fantastic blog.

  3. Loved the post! Good luck to you!

  4. A true writer, one with passion who doesn't do it for the money. I love that your writing allows you to interact with others and their professions who you wouldn't have otherwise. Expands my horizons as a reader, too. Great post, Pam

  5. While we write with the intention of earning money, even big name authors says "don't quit your day job." A lot of truth to that. I think we write because we can't not write. Best wishes to you, Pam.

  6. Big city newspapers and news magazines love features and they are fun for a writer. You get to nose into the lives of all kinds of amazing people, especially celebrities. You learn about businesses, hobbies, crafts, opportunities, etc., and you get paid––maybe not big bucks, but the better you are, the more readership you gain, the higher the pay scale. However, It takes time and energy away from novel writing. Life is a series of choices. We are only allotted 24 hours a day. Some days that isn't enough.

  7. And I love Diane's comment. A real writer can't not write. When fellow writers say they're going to quit, I say, "If you CAN quit, do."

  8. I agree with Diane and Sharon: we write because we can't stop writing. It's in our blood. Pam, glad that you are continuing with your work. As always, wishing you much success.

  9. I love hearing about other authors' challenges and families! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh wow...THANK YOU ALL for dropping by and commenting! I was so busy yesterday I didn't get to drop by again until today and am SO GRATEFUL to each of you for your support.

    May God bless you 100 x over!


  11. Good morning and way to go for following your dreams! I look forward to having you on Personalized Marketing Inc's blog for our 11th anniversary!

    The fact that you get to broaden your horizons doing interviews and talking on different topics I am sure is helping you grow as an author. We write what we know about, I often refer to my children or grandchildren when writing a blog post or using comparisons for the "taking care of you blogs".

    Congratulations and thank you for quick look into your life and writing.
    Dee C

  12. Thanks Personalized Marketing! I look forward to being on your blog tomorrow too!
