
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

#TuesdayTreasures Guest post by Melisa Marzett

Good Morning and Welcome to the first Tuesday Treasures post of October 2018!

Today's guest reached out to me as a freelance writer hoping to get a little exposure and share something she treasures with us. Since helping writers is one of the reasons I blog, of course I welcomed her.

Hope you will too.....

About the author: Melisa Marzett is a freelance writer from Arizona who shares her great articles with many users on various web platforms. She has over 8 years of experience in blogging and now works for Royal Editing: Paper Editing Services – Best Essay Editor! editing services.

“Men are motivated when they feel needed while women are motivated when they feel cherished.” (John Gray, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)

I would like to share my thoughts with people who truly value strong and healthy relationships as one of the most important treasures in our lives.

It is an essential part of our nature to have a person, who will spend a lifetime with you. Nothing compares to the most beautiful feeling two persons can possess. To LOVE someone genuinely without demanding anything in return is a great wonder. Building romantic relationships are not just about the initial bonding, when you see your partner’s personal and business growth, it is so encouraging… you want to grow with him or her, spend more time together, be the best motivation, achieve more goals and reach together new heights. That is the key, which might open a treasure chest, where happy relationships will last for many years.

Have you ever fallen deeply in love? Have you already found your hidden treasure? Leave a comment down below. I would be glad to see your answers and let me know if you have book recommendations in the psychological field on how to create devoted and faithful relationships with your partner.

You're so right, Melisa! Relationships are wonderful treasures in our lives. Thanks for sharing. Here's wishing you the best of luck and God's blessings on your writing career.

Thanks for stopping by and supporting Melisa friends. I hope you'll drop by often for more Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlights!

Until next time take care and God Bless.


  1. This is a good post, Melissa, and I think it's what we who write Christian romance and women's fiction are striving toward. Bringing our characters to the one and only person in the world who totally GETS them. And created by God for each other.
    Kathy Bailey

  2. Love the post, Melissa and John Gray's quote! Healthy relationships are indeed a treasure!

  3. A lovely post, Melissa and very true.

  4. Things that last. Those are always best treasures. Great message!

  5. Melisa,

    I completely agree with you. The loving relationship my husband and I have shared for so many years is the greatest treasure in my life.

  6. That quote from Men Are From Mars, rings true. Once we women figure out how men tick, our relationships improve. I was taught to look around for what to do to help. While men need to be needed, they can't read our minds. We say (to each other) why can't he see that the floor needs to be vacuumed (for instance). Instead, we tend to carp at him for not doing whatever without being told/asked. Just ask nicely and he'll do it. Great post.

  7. Hello! This was a lovely post. I have found my "forever man" in my husband. We've been married for 20 years, and it has been a worthwhile struggle and a beautiful intimacy that I'm fortunate to have. Our ability to work together I attribute to our respect and love of each other, plus some very timely advice. My grandpa died on Thanksgiving Day in 1998. My husband and I had been married for only 4 months at that time. Grandpa had cancer and been told he'd make it 6 months. He made it 11 and was able to be at my wedding. I was so thankful. Four days before he died, he told me the following which I have carried with me since. (And he was a Texas man - which means words are few and blunt.) "Kara," he told me, "marriage is 100% and 100%. Because 50/50 means that you can be with your wife one night and then she can go be with someone else another night. Why in the #!@# would you only give your spouse 50%?" So, there you go. That's what I take with me, that's what I hear when my husband frustrates me. I am reminded that I am supposed to be like Christ and serve no matter what I get in return. Anger is unnecessary. Truth is. Honesty is. But anger? No. So, we've had a good 20 years. There is a lot more to go -- hopefully -- so we're not done and haven't "made it", but we're trying!

  8. I enjoyed this and had to remind myself that, though married over 50 years, my husband and I are opposite in many ways. It took years for us to realize that these differences actually complement our relationship; his strengths bolster my weaknesses and vice-versa. We do make a good team, even if I say so myself.
    Carry on, I say! and enjoy life each moment.

  9. I enjoyed the post! Great job, Melissa. I've been happily divorced for 23 years and have barely dated in all that time. Now, I'm set in my ways and have no interest in sharing my life with anyone else. I am much happier and better off not being in a relationship. However, for those who find that special someone and co-exist happily, good for them! :)
