
Thursday, July 19, 2018

#ThursdayThoughts with Jessica Baker

Good Morning Friends!

As you know I utilize this feature to share thoughts with you myself and/or allow my guests (usually authors) to share theirs.

Today's guest, however, is not an author but a reader and book reviewer!

Please welcome Jessica Baker to our blog....

“I think I might have an interest in the missions field.”

Is it possible for a parent to be both proud and terrified at the same time? When my then fourteen year old daughter said those words to me, I was so proud. What teenager thinks about this – a life committed entirely to God and serving Him in a place unknown? I told her to pray that God would show her His will for her life. Little did I know that this was only the beginning. Over the past year and a half I have seen her excitement and interest in missions work grow.  She began dreaming of all the different places she could go to share God’s Word. And as her excitement grew, this mama’s heart started to crack just a little.

Caitlin is our one and only child. Our family happens to be very close, and she has really only been away from us long term for a week when she was in fourth grade. That’s it! Sure, there have been sleepovers and friend’s houses over the years, but nothing more than a day or two. So imagine my sudden need to keep her closer knowing what the future holds! My little girl could be going across the world, and then when would I see her? She could be going to dangerous places, and I’m not sure my heart can take that. Mothers tend to worry too much, but don’t mistake that for lack of faith. I know, trust, and love the Lord. It’s that fleshly, motherly instinct that worries!

In August Caitlin will be going on her first missions trip, at the age of fifteen. She’ll be traveling with our pastor and his wife to Zacatecas, Mexico.

The three of them will be staying with a missionary family our church supports. They will be working with children the entire time they are there – another passion my daughter has. The plan is to have VBS for the community, and to minister to the kids in the local children’s home. Caitlin is going to lead a bible study for a group of 18 young girls. She is both nervous and excited. She has purchased gifts for all the girls to teach them about bible journaling, something Caitlin loves to do. Caitlin does not like speaking in front of people, so that fact that she even agreed to this, tells me that this is what God would have her to do. Her prayer is that during this trip, God would give her a clear sign of what He wants for her future. My prayer is that while she’s away, He prepares my heart and mind for what the future brings for her as well. 

I couldn’t be more proud of this beautiful, young woman who has a heart for others and a heart for the Lord. Will you pray about her trip with me? For safe travels, a good time, the ability to minister to others, and listening for what God would place on her heart? And would you also pray for this scared mama? That the Lord would just give me a peace about Caitlin’s future, even if it does take her far away! I imagine this trip will be the first of many – this missions family has already invited her to come back next summer, for the entire summer! Lord, let me get through this trip first please!

Hooray for Caitlin! Isn't this a wonderful, inspiring story?!

Author Bio:

Jessica Baker lives Central NY with her husband, teenage daughter, beagle and cat. She loves Jesus, her family and her church. She is a wife, mother, church youth group leader, and avid reader.  She loves cooking and baking for family and friends in her spare time.

Jessica’s love for reading began as a young child when her grandmother read her the book Teeny Tiny Woman. In fact, most of the books she read as a child were given to Jessica by her grandmother, to whom she is eternally grateful for encouraging her to read. Today Jessica has a diverse taste in Christian books, ranging from Amish to dystopian, historic to contemporary, and everywhere in between.
Jessica loves sharing her passion for reading with others, and connecting readers with authors. In addition to her blog, she provides support in managing street teams, proofreading, beta reading, copy edits, and assisting authors in any way that she can. Find out more about Jessica and her author/reader connection services by visiting her website, A Baker's Perspective.  

So very nice to meet you, Jessica. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us today. Good luck and God's blessings in your endeavors!

Hope you enjoyed today's post friends and that you'll check back regularly for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time take care and God Bless.


  1. What an amazing story! My very best wishes to Caitlin as she follows God's path.

  2. Jessica, thank you for your openness. My husband and I work in the missions program in our local church. We don't see enough young people answering this call, but at the same time, I can identify with your mother's heart.
    My children only live an hour away from me, but I still have to turn them over to God every day. One lives in a large city, with crime and drugs, and the other has mental and emotional problems. We must constantly release them to God, and it's one of the hardest things we do.
    But...God has great things planned for Caitlin.
    Thank you for all you do for authors!

  3. Mission trips can be wonderful and scary at the same time. Especially when it involves our teenagers. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this today! As a mother, I get you! 😀 God bless you and your family!

  4. Wow! I admire your daughter for her enthusiasm and you for your encouragement. As a mother & grandmother, I'd be scared to death for my child. What if she got to a mission far away and decided this wasn't for her? I think doing short-term visits (like the one she's going on) will help her decision. Being chaperoned by people you trust should ease your worries. Some. Won't erase them, I'm sure.

  5. Hey Jessica! I was so happy to see you as the guest here today! My sister worked overseas for years, teaching English, so I understand a little of this. It is scary, and it's hard to adjust to a member of the family being so far away. I'll pray for both you and your daughter. Thanks for the work you do with your reading and blogging!

  6. Sometimes being a mother is scary. Especially when your child begins to follow the path made of them and you have to let go. What a blessing Caitlin will be to these young women! May God bless and keep you all in peace.

  7. @kaybee thank you for sharing that! It’s hard for a mom to let go sometimes 😁. But you’re right, God has a plan!

  8. @diane you are absolutely right! I don’t think I would have been as agreeable if she wasn’t with people I trust.

  9. @emily I’m so glad you stopped by! Thank you for your prayers 😊

  10. @carol being a mother can really be scary at times! We just have to trust that the Lord will keep our children safe.

  11. Totally been praying for your daughter and her upcoming trip!

  12. Jessica,

    You've obviously raised an exceptional child! Wishing her a good and safe experience.

  13. Thank you Nicole!!! I appreciate your prayers and your friendship :)

  14. @jacqueline God deserves all the credit in how well she turned out! Thank you for your well wishes.

  15. My goodness! Your daughter is inspiring! She seems fearless and selfless. It was wonderful to learn about her. Thank you for sharing. And prayers will be said for her and your family as y'all go through this!

  16. Thank you Kara!! We are so blessed to have her as a daughter 😊

  17. Having a child - your one and only - desire to serve the Lord in tangible ways is an amazing blessing. It's meant to change the heart of the parent, too, as you release her to do His work. May He protect and strengthen all of you. thanks for sharing.

  18. Thank you for your kind words Mary!! It is amazing to see a child do work for the Lord but even more so when it’s your own!!

  19. Wow, amazing. I can definitely understand why you'd be proud. What a special person she must be! Wishing her safe travels and God's blessing.

  20. Missionary work is wonderful. I give my hands up in prayer to those who chose to go out and reach others and lead them to Christ. God will always protect those who are His own. Congratulations.
