
Thursday, April 5, 2018

#ThursdayThoughts on Self Sabotage

Good Morning Friends and Welcome to the first Thursday Thoughts in April 2018!

How do you like my new banners (on this blog and this one that's on my website)?

Life Coaching is something I've wanted to do for quite a while but never felt right. Know what I mean?

Sure you do!

You've got this dream or goal and you think about it, pray about it and feel it is something you really want to do or accomplish then the doubts set in.....

Who am I to do this?
Who is going to hire me?
Who is going to buy my product?
Can I really make a living doing this?

So you put it off and/or try to forget about it.

But it keeps coming up.

Questions and doubts sabotage the majority of folks and they never fulfill that one goal or step out in faith in the vocation God has put on their heart.

That's what happened to me for years. I felt I wasn't good enough, smart enough, experienced enough...yada, yada, yada.

So what makes THIS year different?

I simply got tired of doubting (and thereby sabotaging) myself and not trusting my inner voice  - that still, small voice inside (the voice of God) that tells me "this is what I have for you to do."

I continued to pray and listen and then simply took a step of faith and began training in Jan. I paid for these banners, asked for testimonies from people I've worked with before, and added pages to my website.

In other words, I took steps of faith toward the calling on my life.

My goal is to be certified within the next couple of months.

That said, there is no law requiring Life Coaches to be certified before they start working with people, so if you have area(s) in your life you'd like help with, please feel free to email me and we'll see what we can do to get you moving in the direction you'd like to go.

Thanks for stopping by!

I hope you enjoyed the post and that you'll join me weekly for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time take care and God bless and remember....“Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


PS: pursuing a Life Coaching practice does NOT mean I'm giving up writing! I'm working on Tempered Truth and just signed a contract with Pelican Book Group for Love in Season - an anthology of my currently published PBG short stories PLUS two brand new ones!  So stay tuned for more info!

Want to know more about Self-Sabotaging Habits? Check out this article by Mike Bundrant, a Life Coach Trainer and retired Psychotherapist.


  1. Good luck with your new venture, Pam. I wish you much success.

  2. Hi Pam,

    You are a very creative person and I'm certain being a life coach will suit you well. My daughter-in-law, Anna, also does much to help people with their problems. She is a psychologist who taught at the university and now works with individuals who need help. She finds it very satisfying. I'm certain you will as well.

  3. I totally understand this, Pam. Great post!

  4. Nice banners! Praying God would bless this new endeavor!

  5. Thank so much Susan for your support.
    I believe coaching will suit me well also, Jacquie. Great for your DIL!
    Thanks KatieC!
    Thanks Emily, prayers always appreciated.

    Thank you ALL for dropping by and commenting.
    Good luck and God's blessings to Each of you.

  6. So, how does one become a "certified" life coach? Does it operate through your church or some other religious organization?
    Just curious and it sounds like something you'd be very good at.
    Keep us all posted and good luck!

  7. Congratulations on putting your self doubt aside and stepping out in faith!

  8. I'm so happy for you! I know it's hard to resist the doubts. If we remember that it is Satan talking to us, sometimes it's easier to go forward. I have a difficult time with this, as well. I think most of us do. Good luck and God's blessings as you take this on. And I think you'll be very good at this!!

  9. Hey Susan, my certification will be from an online course. I've never heard of this being done through a church or religious organization.

    Thanks Alina and Kara your confidence in me is very encouraging.

    God Bless you All!
