
Thursday, April 12, 2018

#ThursdayThoughts on Camping

Good Morning!

Many times when I receive interview questions, one is: What is something very few people know about you that might surprise them?

I usually skip that one because I'm pretty much an open book. However considering my upcoming weekend, I thought this might be the answer from now on....

I love to go camping! Not in a tent, mind you but an RV.

There is something about sitting by the campfire by the lake, or doing a little fishing on said lake, unplugged and off the grid, that restores my soul.

And that's where I'll be today through Sunday!

Never fear though, the show must go on and Saturday Spotlight is on DiAnn Mills, so please check back and support her.

If you leave a comment or email me, I will get back with you early next week.

THANKS Friends!


  1. An RV, or a cabin, are my only preferred methods of camping. Enjoy!

  2. I've never RV'ed but I think it'd probably be my preferred kind of camping-I'm not real big on tents :) have fun this weekend!

  3. I'm with you, Pam. I'll take an RV over a tent any day. My back thanks me.
    Enjoy your trip.

  4. We had friends who sold their home, purchased an RV, and traveled all over the country after they retired. They loved it.

  5. I'd love to buy an RV when we retire. Not sure if I can talk hubby into it, though! LOL!

  6. We go camping every summer. I've been all over Texas and can't wait to see more. I like camping, but when my kids were young it was hard keeping track of everything. Now that they're older it's more relaxing. Loved the post! Thanks!
