
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

#TuesdayTreasures Guest post by M. Jean Pike!

Good Morning Friends,

Jean Pike is a brand new to me/our blog author withe a brand new book and today she's sharing something she treasures with us.....

Welcome Jean!

I used to be quite a collector. For years my house overflowed with everything from scarecrows to snowmen, tabby cats to tea cups. I had folk art and framed art and all sorts of whimsies. I loved quaint little gift shops and the treasures I would find in them. Four years ago, when I relocated from Western New York to Southeast Ohio, I rented a five-by-eight U-Haul trailer, taking only what would fit inside. I sold or gave away two-thirds of my possessions, keeping only what I loved. It wasn’t upsetting. It was freeing.

These days, I treasure moments. Quiet Saturday mornings when I don't have to set the alarm. Second-cup-of-coffee mornings, the day stretching out ahead like a blank sheet of paper. Moments spent reading good books on my porch, and having lunch out with friends. Walks with my dog on summer evenings, and the way my cat watches out the window for our return.  
Treasures one and all.

I treasure the little Catholic elementary school where I work, and the beautiful hearts of the children there. Hearts that like me, even on my bad days. Dandelion bouquets and jars full of crickets, and mud puddle- splashing when my own son was small. The sound of my mother’s laughter, and steaming bowls of my father’s potato soup. I guess memories can be treasures, too.

Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." I treasure my little country church, and the lovely hearts that gather there. Hearts that accept me, even when I am unlovable. I treasure the amazing God who loves me and has shown Himself faithful throughout every chapter of my life. Even when I have not been.

Though I still enjoy poking around in gift shops, I don't go out treasure hunting so much anymore. Instead, I'm learning to find my treasures from within. To treasure things that are not really things at all, like a small, simple life and all of the lovely moments it contains. 

What a lovely and inspiring post, Jean....I too got rid of 90% of my stuff and plan on clearing out more. Thanks for sharing! Now tell us a little about yourself and your book....

Changing seasons. Unexpected blessings. Love that lasts forever. These are a few of M. Jean Pike's favorite things. With a writing career that has spanned two decades, Jean combines a passion for romance with a keen interest in the quirky and offbeat to bring readers unforgettable tales of life, love, and the inner workings of the human heart. In addition to seven full-length novels, she has over two hundred essays and short stories in print.

Visit Jean's blog at

A woman with no future, a man with no past. A mysterious medallion that can change both of their lives. Forever.

After receiving a devastating medical diagnosis, twenty-eight-year-old Willow Mackenzie is determined to realize her unfulfilled dreams. On a jaunt to a lonely quarry called Baker’s Gully in the hope of photographing an eagle, she discovers and abandoned cottage and its reclusive owner, Darby Sullivan. Captivated by the rose-covered dwelling, Willow knows instinctively she is meant to spend the rest of her life in Baker’s Gully.

A man of secrets, Darby is content with his reclusive existence, but sensing the deadly illness that lurks inside Willow, he agrees to rent her the cottage, knowing it is the one place on earth that can heal her. But saving Willow’s life may cost Darby his own. Available at Amazon!

 Thanks so much for joining us today Jean! We certainly wish you the best of luck and God's blessings with your new book.

Hope you enjoyed today's post, friends and that you'll stop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God bless.


  1. Congrats, Jean, on the publication of your novel! It sounds like a fine read.
    I also had to give away many possessions when we downsized from a house to an apartment. It was painful at first, but like you, I realize it was liberating.

  2. What a lovely post! I've said yes to too many projects and have really been short on time, so yes, those quiets moment are really precious.

  3. I enjoyed your post, Jean. Congratulations on your novel.

  4. Ah, yes. Treasure the moments would be my mantra, too. I am done with possessions--no room in my little cottage for any more (possible exception: books)!
    Your blurb certainly sounds compelling. Best wishes.

  5. One of the things you said was so profound to me that I had to reread and copy it for future reference: "I'm learning to find my treasures from within." Oh, how I need to remember that.

    Congratulations on your novel. It's one of the few stories I can reread and still cry at the end.

  6. Hey Friends,

    Thank you SO much for dropping by and showing Jean your support. For some reason she is unable to reply to your comments but she shared her appreciation with me so thought I'd let you know....

    Thanks again & God Bless!

  7. I've been decluttering while anticipating a move in the near future. I've spent many years accumulating and now it's time to let most of it go! Definitely freeing!
    Enjoyed the post!

  8. Hi, Jean. Such a lovely post. As you're aware I have also had to downsize and I agree with you. Although I still love going out to those treasure shops, now I'm only looking and enjoying.

  9. M. Jean, I love that your treasure lies in special "timeless" moments like a second cup of coffee. That says it all. Thanks so much for sharing your treasure with us. I pray your book blesses all its readers. Cheers

  10. Jean, congratulations on your book. Moving can be difficult, what to keep and what to let go. Been there when we moved from Ohio to California. Lovely post.
