
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

#TuesdayTreasures guest post by Darcy Flynn!

Good Morning!

Well, we were supposed to be on the road to Grand Marais, MN but we couldn't get on the ferry to Isle Royale until we're leaving Kabetogama (Voyageurs National Park) tomorrow and will spend an extra night in Grand Marais before heading back home to Louisiana. Whew! just explaining that one wore me out LOL! Anyway, I'll be sharing more vacation memories on Thursday but meanwhile, please help me welcome Darcy Flynn back to our blog with her brand new release, Eagle Eye!

Take it away Darcy.....

In my sweet romance, Like No Other Series, my heroines are experts in the areas of either fashion or health and beauty. And because they work with teenage girls, they share practical ways to manage these things on a budget. They teach each girl to treasure her own uniqueness, telling them they are truly, one of a kind and like no other.
Speaking of health and beauty… As I contemplated what treasure to write about, so many special people and things came to mind. But, instead of a favorite pet, hobby, trip or person, I decided to be super practical and share a kitchen treasure - my NutriBullet. Weird, I know, but stay with me. The health benefits of using such a tool are amazing. This little Magic Bullet changed the way I eat. I found it the perfect tool for healthy eating and weight loss.
The NutriBullet is a nutrient extractor, not a blender. This link, will tell you everything you need to know about the product. It’s one of the easiest and most efficient kitchen tools I’ve ever used. I’ve had mine now for over two years and have used it almost daily during that time period.
After a recent “big” birthday, I was hit with the reality of the brevity of life - the perfect motivation to invest in this wonderful kitchen tool. Years ago when I was in my mid-twenties, my husband and I attended a Christian conference where the reverend Billy Graham was the keynote speaker. I can’t tell you what he spoke about that night, but I’ll never forget him standing at the podium and saying something like this… “I cannot believe I’m sixty-three years old and how quickly my life has gone by. I’m surprised by the brevity of life.”
I recall his words as if I’d heard them yesterday. They were that powerful and sobering to me. Even though I was a young twenty something, I knew he was right. I knew if I lived long enough, that day would come for me, as well.
The bible refers to our life span as a vapor or a blade of grass or a flower that is here one day and then withers.
As I contemplated entering the last third of my life, I took stock of my physical appearance, my excess weight, lethargy that hit each day around three p.m. and my joint pain upon waking. If you’re over fifty or sixty, you get the picture.
Was this the way I really wanted to live out my days? I knew I had a lot of control over these physical ailments. Question was…what would I actually do about them?
One of the greatest gifts from God is our ability to choose. I could decide to make a change or live tired and achy the rest of my days on earth.
In my research a natural medicine doctor asked, “Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?”
So, after many weeks of reading, asking questions, and researching everything regarding living a healthier lifestyle, I decided to commit to 21 days of deliberate, focused, healthy eating. As part of that plan, I decided to implement a green smoothie diet. - two smoothies a day and a sensible dinner at night.
Enter my NutriBullet – a product by Magic Bullet. They make different sizes and types. Here’s the link to the one like mine.
The great thing about green smoothies is you can throw in just about anything. There are tons of green smoothie recipe books online. Google to your hearts content. In the meantime, I’ve included a simple recipe here.
Darcy’s Easy Green Smoothie
A bit of shaved ice. Optional. (This makes it extra cold)
1 c. of filtered water (can substitute coconut water)
A handful of fresh greens (like kale, spinach, broccoli, celery, etc. Can be mixed or used separately)
Add ½ banana and ½ cup of frozen or fresh berries
1 scoop of plant-based protein powder (for added protein)– I use Vanilla flavored for this recipe. 
1 tsp of ground Flax seed (available at all health food stores, like Whole Foods and online)
1 tsp of healthy fat (coconut oil, or ½ avocado, or flax oil)
1 packet of stevia (a natural sweetener) At first the greens will seem bitter - the stevia will lesson that.
Blend until smooth. Sip and enjoy.
Scripture says, without a vision, the people perish. So, I gave myself a vision of the person I wanted to become. Today, the picture I hold in my mind is of a thinner, pain free, energetic and lovely woman who will live out her days in joy.
Oh wow, Darcy! I love that smoothie...gonna have to try it myself! I normally drink a smoothie for brunch then eat a sensible dinner...I've also found that if you eat all of your calories within an 8 hr. period (10-6 or 11-7) you can lose a little weight. The premise behind this is that it takes your body 16 hours to digest the food....My kids turned me on to this and I must say, it did work. Anyway, thank for sharing your treasure with us! Now tell us a little about your new book....
I had so much fun linking Jillian Jeffrey, a character from my first book, Keeper of My Heart, with the second book in my Like No Other Series. My readers wanted Jill’s story told and I’m happy they insisted. 
Blurb: Could one little mistake derail everything she’s worked for?
Undercover journalist, Cameron Phillips, is known for his forthright exposé articles uncovering scandals of New York City’s rich and famous. Using the pseudonym Eagle Eye to hide his identity, he is free to wield his finger pointing, no-holds-barred articles at leisure.
Jillian Jeffrey, teen fashion industry’s latest darling, has a heart for the less fortunate. Her goal is to raise enough money for fashion icon Anna Delany’s, Like No Other charity foundation. The donation will not only keep the charity afloat, but will place Jill in the running for a coveted position on LNO’s board of directors.
In a moment of weakness, at the charity gala, Jill reluctantly accepts a bet from her ex-boyfriend and uses a homeless man to raise twenty thousand dollars. Unknown to Jill, the homeless guy is the cynical, undercover journalist, and Jill has just become his latest exposé target.
In a twist of fate, Cameron is soon hired to shadow Jill as she volunteers with the charity. Shorthaired and clean-shaven, he looks nothing like the bearded, disheveled man Jill had encountered the night of the gala. During their time together, he not only discovers the noble reason behind the bet, but witnesses first hand his article’s negative impact on her business. Faced with the prospect of losing her, will Cameron come up with an antidote for Eagle Eye’s toxic exposé before Jill loses everything she’s worked for? 
Sounds like another winner, Darcy! Good luck and God's blessings with it. LOVE your cover btw!! 
Darcy Flynn is known for her heartwarming, sweet contemporary romances. Her refreshing storylines, irritatingly handsome heroes and feisty heroines will delight and entertain you from the first page to the last. Miss Flynn’s heroes and heroines have a tangible chemistry that is entertaining, humorous and competitive.
Darcy lives with her husband and a menagerie of other living creatures on her horse farm in Franklin, Tennessee. She raises rare breed chickens, stargazes on warm summer nights and indulges daily in afternoon tea.
Although, published in the Christian non-fiction market under her real name, Joy Griffin Dent, it was the empty nest that turned her to writing romantic fiction. Proving that it’s never too late to follow your dreams.
To follow or find out more about Darcy check out the links below.

Newsletter sign up form –

You can purchase Eagle Eye at Amazon, B&N and iTunes. Read Darcy's previous posts Here and Here.

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll drop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time take care and God bless.


  1. Pamela, thank you so much for hosting me today on your lovely blog! It's always a pleasure to spend time with you!

  2. I've just started a "no added sugar" regimen and am shocked at how much of our food, even healthy bread, has added sugar.

    Congratulations on the new book, Darcy. I wish you great success.

  3. So glad you shared your treasure with us, Darcy!
    Love, love your hero :-) he is so sexy LOL!

    Thanks Patricia for stopping by...yeah it's shocking how much sugar is in everything!


  4. I did the same thing, Patricia. Omitted sugar in all of it's forms for over two months and now only occasionally have it. It was tough, but I feel so much better! :) And, yes...we have to be diligent to read those food labels! Sugar has a sneaking way of hiding! lol

  5. There's definitely too much sugar in our processed food! Eating as naturally as possible is the way to go. Lots of fruits and vegetables and whole grains. And reading books with a positive, inspirational message doesn't hurt either. Wishing you much success, Darcy!

  6. Amen, Jacqueline! And thank you!

  7. Good for you, Darcy. I've always been greatly interested in the link between diet and health. I'm not as much concerned with sugar because we don't eat that much. If we want a sweet, I make it at home. Processed foods are a huge threat to one's health not only because of the sugar but also because of the other ingredients.

    I'm more concerned with the spraying of wheat fields with glyphosate aka RoundUp. The regenerative medicine doctor on my daughter's team told us about the huge rise in autoimmune diseases and that many doctors believe it's because of this practice that has enabled glyphosate to enter the food chain. Watch the Netflix documentary, What's With Wheat. Scary. I now buy special organic wheat made from the kind of wheat our ancestors grew. You'll see many websites blaming Monsanto, maker of RoundUp, who convinced wheat farmers to spray their crops with it and to grow a GMO short stalk wheat because it's easier to treat that wheat for weeds. You'll also see websites that say that's not a problem. People who think they are allergic to gluten may not be. It's the new variety of wheat raised with RoundUp.

    Make up your own mind. There's a lot of information out there about this.

  8. Fabulous info, Joan! We absolutely have to be careful what we eat. Educating ourselves with the facts as you've done is imperative to our health and wellbeing! I'll definitely check out the documentary on Netflix. Thanks for telling us about that.

  9. Great post. The recipe sounds great. Will have to give it a try.

  10. Excellent post. Great tips, Darcy. I totally get where you're coming from. I do NOT like feeling lethargic and unhealthy. I'll have to try your suggestions. Congrats on the wonderful book. SUCH a great read!! (Sorry I'm late)

  11. Please do, Marissa! And thanks for stopping by!

  12. Alicia, thank you for your kind words regarding Eagle Eye! And you are never late! 😉
