
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

#TuesdayTreasures Guest Post by Carol Nichols

Good Morning Friends,

If you've ever met someone and instantly connected with them then you'll understand why I'm excited to bring you today's guest! Carol is a new author and new to our blog so please extend her a warm welcome....

I want to thank Pam for allowing me some time and space on her blog.  I find it interesting, though, that the first column available was Tuesday Treasures.  Don’t get me wrong, I am old enough to be considered a treasure, but that would be if you ever found me in an antique store.  I then thought that she might have a column with some type of ‘ramblings’ in its name as I’m also well known for that.

 From the title ‘Treasures’ I thought of writing about the Grandfather Clock that has been in our family for many years and also a mantle clock that my Grandpa Brady gave to his bride on their first anniversary.  I could really get into that with the love aspect because you see I love ‘love’.  I love everything about it.  The first accidental brush of a hand which leads to eye contact where you realize you may have a connection or the first date when the two of you are oblivious to your surroundings and feel that you are the only two people in the world.

Cherish those moments my friends, whether you are yet to experience love or you have been privileged enough to have known love but now only in your memories.

It was the loss of this love that put me in a tailspin.

Those moments in time that can never be returned to you but also, in the same manner, can never be taken.  How you spend your time, I find as I have gotten older, can be complicated.  The days can slowly drag by in a mundane sort of way, or you can let your mind swirl with thoughts you have no control over, especially in times where you have experienced a deep hurt.

That was my life.  I wanted to stick my head in the sand or climb into bed and pull the covers way up.

Day after day I relived the event as it had happened and couldn’t get the endless circle of thoughts to stop or even subside.  I would go to bed at night to only get up again as sleep would evade me.  How I longed for a purpose.  Something that would occupy my mind in hopes of wearing me smooth so I could fall in bed at night welcoming the opportunity of sleep for a tired body and mind.

A friend invited me to a grief counseling meeting she attended, and they had us write about our situation and then read it aloud.  It tore me to shreds.  I literally felt kicked in the gut.

That’s when I started journaling.  I had journaled before and even written a little, but this time it was different.  This time I wrote to permanently get thoughts out of my head and on paper where I could leave them.

I started a blog, but was told I made everyone cry so I backed off and then I saw a small ad in the local paper that said, “Have you ever thought about writing?”

Well, yes I have, thank you very much.  I will see you Tuesday.  (You see I was talking aloud to the printed word but by now the dog is used to it.)

Long story short, I was embraced by the Creative Quills group at our local Carnegie Library, and in a few short weeks, a book was born.  I thank God for this opportunity he has given me and also for the purpose I have found for my life for truly this is my treasure and not just on Tuesdays.

Have you ever felt the need to put pen to paper?  Do you have something to say and a need to leave it somewhere except in your mind?  Well, if your answer is yes, I invite you, dear reader, to pick up a pen and paper and see what the recesses of your mind’s memory have to say.
Love and hugs,

Carol has worked in the legal profession since her Junior year of High school where she was a legal secretary at an El Reno law firm.

Carol continued her career in law enforcement with the Canadian County Sheriff’s Office and worked under four different administrations before accepting a position with the District Attorney’s Office.

After a move to Southern Illinois, she worked for a criminal defense attorney before moving to Pennsylvania.  In Pennsylvania, Carol started writing through journals.  Upon moving back to El Reno in 1992, she was employed by USDA, Ft. Reno before retiring.

Carol’s journey continued with family illness thus heightening her awareness of life's fragility and resumed in-depth writing to move things from her mind to paper after the loss of her husband, Glen.
Carol has found release and expresses her feelings about life, marriage and faith which is well realized in her writings.

She resides in El Reno with her Jack Russell terrier, Patches. Find out more about Carol by visiting her website.

Beautiful clocks, Carol and I understand exactly how you feel. My own sweet husband died in 2009 and it's been a long journey from then until now. Treasure each moment you shared, but don't forget to treasure yourself and the opportunities to grow and bless others from your experiences.

Friends you can find Carol's debut novel, A Different Season at Amazon in Ebook and Print!

Hope you enjoyed today's post and that you'll join me each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.


  1. I was curious about Carol's moves, what prompted them. She mentioned loving love, which makes a nosey woman wonder if love inspired these moves for such an attractive, interesting person. Come on, Carol, tell us more.

  2. Thanks Sharon for your kind comments. Glen worked for the Bureau of Prisons as Foid Service Administrator thus they were government instigated moves.

  3. Hey ladies, I really enjoyed reading this post. And Carol, if I knew how to post photos here, I'd show you my clocks! Best and Blessings on your release!

  4. Darcy, glad you enjoyed. Clocks were Glen's love and he restored many including the mantle clock picture. Each of our children have a clock from their grandparents..

  5. Hi Carol,

    Congrats on your new release! Both my husband his father have loved clocks.

  6. I know, Jacqueline. Once you get your first clock it can get addicting. After we were first married, Glen read meters and he invariably came home with treasures from someone's basement or cellar.
