
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

#TuesdayTreasures LOVE and Forgiveness

Happy Valentine's Day!

When this time of year rolls around we all think of LOVE.... the people in our lives whom we love, those we've loved and lost and those we wish we could love. It's another day set aside in each year to remind us that love is a powerful thing and something we should treasure.

More than treasure, love is something we should aspire to live and express on a daily, moment-by-moment basis.

Think about all those people you don't understand or dislike and take a few moments to send them love.

Can't do it?

Then start with peace or joy or happiness or forgiveness. Forgive them and forgive yourself for your lack of love toward them.

The Bible teaches us that Forgiveness and Love are a choice. Therefore, even if you don't actually "feel" the warm, fuzzy emotions. Choose love. Be willing to forgive.

There's a lot of power in praying.... "Lord I can't do this but I'm willing to forgive, I'm willing to say the words, I'm willing to have a change of heart. I'm willing to see this person or this situation through YOUR eyes. Help me."

One of the most powerful prayers I've learned in my studies of spirituality is "I forgive you and I release you to God."

Simple words that have the ability to change lives.

Again, even if you don't actually feel this, saying the words opens your mind and eventually your heart to free yourself and, in turn, your offender.

Try it, you'll be amazed and I'll bet you'll feel better physically, mentally and emotionally.

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!" 

If you're looking for a Valentine's day gift to send to someone consider my devotional Love is a Rose which parallels the love of God to the words of the song "The Rose" available in Ebook, Kindle and Nook. Also in Print an at Deeper Shopping!

Hope you enjoyed today's post and you'll drop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time take care and God bless.


  1. Wow, what an excellent post! Definitely something to think about. Thank you, Pam.

  2. Pam,

    I agree with you. So much better to forgive others and dwell on the positives in life. Loving others draws love to us, as do kind acts and devotion.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Alicia, Jacquie and Diane!
    Glad you enjoyed the post.
