
Thursday, December 15, 2016

#ThursdayThoughts Random Ramblings on DeCluttering

Good Morning!

I have no idea what to talk about today so I'm just going to start typing and see what comes out....

When scrolling through my downloads folder I'm amazed at the number of files I need to delete. Have no idea when I'm going to do that but I would love to start 2017 with a clean slate.

How many of us feel that way about some are in our lives?

Maybe more than one area?

Well now is the time to take baby steps in getting rid of our home, in our heart and in our work.

Here's a few ideas on how to do this:

Start Small. Just like with any project, it's better to do a little each day and work toward a particular goal than to go hard at it, trying to do too many things all at once and burn yourself out.

Make a List. Lists can be your best friend, especially when you scratch things off of it.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments. Finish one room, closet. dresser or file folder? Take time to congratulate yourself and feel good about your accomplishment instead of beating yourself up over what you have left to do.

Take a Break.  Even if only a day or two, taking a break between tasks helps you keep things in perspective and helps avoid overwhelm.

Relax, Pray, Meditate. This goes without saying if your life is "too busy" you need to take time out to relax, pray and meditate. Even if only 5 minutes a couple times each day. Nothing makes a busy life less hectic.

These are just a few ideas for decluttering your life. I'd love for you to share YOUR ideas and I hope you'll drop by each week for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlight.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.


  1. Good suggestions. As I put away Christmas decorations, I try to weed out, esp. what goes back up. Merry Christmas, Pam, to you and your readers.

  2. Thanks Diane... I wish the same for you and yours :-)

    Good luck and God's blessings

  3. Clutter drives me crazy- but I just seem to find new places to store it. Especially in the tons of folders on my computer. Out of sight, out of mind, right? ;)

  4. Thanks for your timely tips on de-cluttering! January is around the corner and I'm definitely going to use some of these!

  5. Out of sight out of mind is certainly one way to look at it Marueen, LOL!

    I hope to practice what I preach too, Darcy ;-)

    Good luck, God's Blessings and Thanks to you both for stopping by.
