
Thursday, July 21, 2016

#ThursdayThoughts Taking Things for Granted

Good Morning and a Blessed day it is!

In my years of prayer, meditation and study, I've found that thoughts and attitudes have the power to change our lives...for good or not so good.

The Bible teaches us that "as a man thinks in his heart, therefore he is."

How much clearer can that be?

Yet we all have a tendency to think and speak negatively and to take things for granted....the simple things in life we've seldom (if ever) have had to do without.

This morning I discovered a guided meditation by Louise Hay and in listening, I realized there are many things I take for granted. There are thoughts and attitudes within me that could use polishing, changing or downright eradicating.

Needless to say, this really resonated with me.

May it do the same for you.....

Have a Blessed day and I hope to see you for Saturday Spotlight, this week and each week for Tuesday TreasuresThursday Thoughts and more Saturday Spotlights!



  1. Pam,

    I do think it's human nature to take all the good things in life for granted and be aware of negatives. But it was recently brought back to me how important health is and never to take good health for granted.

  2. An author friend and I were just talking about the need to remind ourselves of the things we are grateful for in troubled times like our world is experiencing right now. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

  3. I love the quotation (supposedly spoken by Mark Twain): "Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have." This resonates with me!
    Thanks for a helpful post.

  4. I hear you Jacquie! I believe health is one of the things we take for granted too often.

    So true attitude of gratitude is a powerful thing.

    Great post, Susan! Thanks for sharing it.

    Thank You ALL for dropping by!

    Good luck and God's blessings to each of you.

  5. I enjoyed your post and reminder to be grateful in every moment for all the gifts offered to us. Sometimes the most difficult part is understanding and accepting the gift!

  6. Oh wow, so lovely. I will have to try to apply this to my life daily. Thank you!

  7. Wise words! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks Ashantay, I'm glad the post resonated with you and you're right, sometimes it is difficult to accept the gifts we've been blessed with.

    Great Alicia! I know listening to these types of meditations helps me. Hopefully it'll do the same for you.

    So very welcome Marissa and Elizabeth!

    Thank you ALL for stopping by!

    Good luck and God's blessings to each of you.
