
Thursday, July 28, 2016

#ThursdayThoughts Guest Post by Teri Smith

Good Morning Friends,

If you know me at all you know I love to feature new-to-me authors and today's guest is just one of those!

Brought to our attention from Prime Star Publicity, Teri Smith is a visionary, life coach, speaker, and popular author. Her career started in the mental health field with aspects of wellness and nutrition. A graduate of New York University and Hunter College, she has inspired and transformed many lives through her coaching, speaking, training, and media appearances. An avid believer in the mind, body, and spirit connection, she has dedicated her life’s purpose to ridding the world of Survival Mode Syndrome. It was during the winter of 2008 after several spiritual quests, including a trip to Medjugorge, that Teri experienced an epiphany. She described it as if listening to a radio broadcast but happening in her own head, and she couldn’t turn it off. Teri felt it was triggered by a passionate interest since childhood in the mysteries of the cosmos and a desire to find out why some people are so strongly opposed to any concept of a power greater than them. She felt she had unknowingly knocked, and a door to the unseen had opened in her mind. The broadcast continued for several years, and she was thrust into situations in order to experience every painful symptom of a phrase she coined, Survival Mode Syndrome.

Teri had many challenges convincing others of the epiphany. After years of writing and counseling about it, she realized she needed a format that people could embrace. Once again, she knocked and a door, this time taking the form of a dream, opened leaving her with two simple words “children and parody.” After much arguing with God about not knowing what the words meant, she sat at the computer where her hands began to move as if on their own and the rest is history. Teri, following in the steps of Jesus Christ, walked away from the comforts of life and family to discover her true self. She considers herself a work in progress.

Wow...what a life! Now lets see what thoughts Teri has to share with us....

Why Do Great Civilizations Get Destroyed?

We tend to dismiss this question as ancient history but we are a great civilization like the Roman Empire. The Christian of the 21st century must open the Holy Bible and locate where our civilization is in Bible timeline. If we do this, we will see that we are fast approaching the great climax of the present age. What does this mean? It means the Infinite, God, is greater than the Limited, us. Nature will always correct. The Bible never departs from the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. The laws of causation are the same Laws which, in their wider scope embrace nations and make history.

As we bear witness to our fractured, perilous world of present age, we are on the brink of starting over for better or for worse. Bible prophecies are not isolated from the natural laws of the Universe, but rather are based upon them and are in fact the description of those laws operating in their widest field of action on the human plane. This is important in trying to figure things out, and though we may not be able to calculate the precise day or year, we may come to a close approximation of our present whereabouts in the chronological calendar, and there are many indications to show that we are very rapidly approaching that climax which the Bible calls the end of the age.  As we bear witness to the perilous state of our fractured world, it is time to reconsider the particular prophecy of "spirit of Antichrist".
I had a supernatural epiphany and wrote a book that tells why our world is fractured and gives us a chance to put things back together. It is a parody using children and is titled "God in My Jell-O" - this link is clickable.

The wisdom of one of the greatest 20th century spiritual teachers, Thomas Troward, talks about the close connection existing between Bible teachings about forgiveness of sin, the spirituality of worship, the development of personality, and the actions of God. These are all part of one great whole and can't be separated. To separate them is to pull down the edifice of the Divine Temple; and to realize their unity is to build up that true Temple of God which is the Individuality of Man, made perfect by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. In God in My Jell-O Jell-O, jell-O, a metaphor for personality development, helps us to understand this development of personality as referenced by Troward.

Our Lord comes!
Teri Smith-Pickens

Definitely something to think about Teri! 

Connect with Teri on her WebsiteLinked In and Facebook. Purchase Teri's book at Amazon.

Well friend, I hope you enjoyed today's Thursday Thoughts as much as I enjoyed sharing them with you. Stay tuned for Saturday Spotlight this week with Shane Cloonan, also a Prime Star Publicity client. 

Be sure to drop by weekly for more Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlights!

Until next time...take care and God bless.


  1. Very interesting! I'm looking forward to hearing more!

  2. I've been making the same comparison between ancient Rome and the US, and agree that changes are on the way - whether we see them or not! I enjoyed reading your post and wish you great success with your book and your life's re-creation.

  3. Interesting post. Good luck with your book!

  4. I appreciate your journey, Teri, to get where you have arrived now. May your journey go forward with love and compassion, in the truth of Christ. All civilizations come and go. But God's words stand forever. Cheers

  5. Thank you all for giving of the most precious thing, your time to read my post and your kind comments. I am grateful to Pamela for he gift of sharing. I wish you all the best on your personal path, spiritual and otherwise.

    Teri Smith-Pickens

  6. Very intriguing. Excellent post.

  7. Today's world situation certainly lends itself to this kind of study and analysis. Best wishes regarding your epiphany and its message.

  8. Teri - I'm sorry I couldn't get here on Thursday, but I really enjoyed your post. You've give us much to think about. This quote especially "spoke" to me: "...(T)he Infinite, God, is greater than the Limited, us. Nature will always correct. The Bible never departs from the Universal Law of Cause and Effect." That makes so much sense to me. Wishing you much success with your work.
