
Thursday, May 12, 2016

#ThursdayThoughts: Fishing

Good Morning Friends!

In Matthew (4:19) Jesus told Peter and his brother Andrew to follow Him and He would make them 'fishers of men.'

We know these two were (what we'd term today) commercial fishermen. That is, they fished for a living.

But on this particular day they'd toiled all night and caught nothing and were just rolling up their nets when Jesus came along and asked them to take him out in the water so He could teach the huge crowd clamoring about Him on shore. After His sermon, He instructed the two gentlemen to cast their nets, and they hauled in so many fish, their nets nearly broke!

Since man figured out how to catch, clean and cook, fishing has been both a necessity and for several years now, a sport.

I love to fish...there is just something about being on the water, with a pole or rod and reel, pulling in those delicious Bass and White Perch. Even Bream fishing can be fun.

Last weekend I had the opportunity to visit Toledo Bend Lake again and do a lot of fishing. The weather was beautiful, the water at times choppy, mostly smooth and calm.

Unfortunately the fish weren't really in the biting mood.

Still we had a blast and proved once again the old adage..... A bad day of fishing beats the best day of work!

If you've never enjoyed this pastime, give it a try. It may not be your 'thing' but then again, you might just find a brand new hobby.

Something to think about.
"Inspirational with an Edge!" ™


  1. Fishing sounds like a form of meditation. Nice post.

  2. It certainly can be Susan!
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Good luck and God's blessings to you.

  3. Fishing has always had religious significance. Eating what you catch is also life-giving. One of my favorite books as a teenager was The Old Man and the Sea.

  4. As a child, my family went fishing summer weekends. Whether a lake, river, or stream, we were outside baiting the hook. I think it's about appreciating nature as much as anything else. It's soothing, challenging, relaxing and adventurous all at the same moment. In the midst of a hectic city life, fishing opens our eyes to the Almighty, too. Love it.

  5. I love the adage -- fishing, or going along with others who fish, is one of the most relaxing activities I've take part in. Though I did my share as a younger person, it wasn't the fishing as much as relishing nature around me that proved enjoyable. Now, hunting for frog legs was a hoot. The fun, the mud, the discovery, followed by the taste. Ahhh. Thanks for the reminder, Pam.

  6. I haven't fished since I was a child. I did enjoy it, but mostly, as others have said, just being outside and with family, my grandparents, cousins, siblings, etc. Thanks for bringing back some good memories!

  7. I love being in and around water, but fishing? Uh...not so much. (I don't eat seafood either!) I would love just hanging out on a boat or at the shore, reading a good book while my buddies fished though. :-)

  8. Even though I'm not a fisherman/woman, I love being around water. Hubs and Son are the fishermen in our family, with grandson following in their footsteps.

  9. Since I live on a lake, fishing is an every day activity--right out my windows and off my dock. Our grand kids all loved to fish at an early age. We bought little rods that actually work and they would spend many happy hours casting and sometimes even catching. Our grandson had to be cautioned not to kiss the fish! Thanks for the relevant post.

  10. I love Susan's comment about fishing being like meditation, because it is accurate. I like to fish but haven't been in a while. It is a great way, in this hectic world, to put things on pause for a little while. And Pam, you're right. If someone hasn't tried it, they should. I would have never thought that I'd enjoy it but casting and reeling in line is kind of mesmerizing and therapeutic! Thanks for sharing!
