
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

#TuesdayTreasures: Sunsets

Good Morning Friends,

This past weekend I went camping on Toledo Bend, a lake that is accessible from Texas as well as Louisiana and purported to be one of the best fishing spots in the nation.

While relaxing in a lounge chair I witnessed one of the most beautiful sunsets I'd seen in a while. Gratitude welled up within me for the beauty, magnificence and grace of God to paint the sky in such wonder.

In The Visionary, Alex Broussard feels the same way about sunrise and/or sunsets on the lake. Of course he is talking about Lake Charles but here's the scene I'm referring to....

He settled on a bench at the south end of the Civic Center grounds and turned his gaze toward the east while the sun ascended into the heavens. Fingers of orange and yellow stretched gloriously across the sky and tinted the clouds into fluffs of pink and peach as the gray of dawn gave way to the brilliance of morning. Colors expanded heavenward then reached down to caress the water and added hints of orange and gold to the silvery waves.

No matter how much things change, this would always remain true: sunrise or sunset on the lake was one of the most breathtaking sights he would ever see.

So today I thought I'd share a couple of sunsets I've had the good fortune to experience beginning with this one from 4/8/16 @ 7:26pm....

I remember in vivid detail one sunset that turned the sky a brilliant mix of orange and cream it reminded me of one of those orange sherbet ice cream bars...only the cloud formation was shaped like a tornado....almost like a water the sun was draining from the sky. Indescribable really and since I happened to be driving at the time - on Interstate 10 with no place to pull over and get a picture, I can only do my best to describe it in hopes you'll get a visual--I know, however, my words do not even come close to doing justice to its awesomeness! I even looked on the Internet and couldn't find anything close to that particular sunset.


Here are a couple of sunsets I photographed from the Silver Spur Guest Ranch in Bandera, TX taken 10/11/12 @ 7:03 pm....

And if I'm going to share sunsets with you, I might as well share at least one sunrise...this one also from the Silver Spur on 12/12/13 @7:21 am.....

I hope these photos bring you the same sense of awe they bring me!

Next time you get a chance, take a few moments to drink in a sunset (or maybe a sunrise) and thank the Lord above for showing us His grace and beauty in a painted sky.

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!"

Find out more about The Visionary HERE and/or purchase a copy at one of the following retailers...

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Hope you enjoyed today's treasure. Check back weekly for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlights.

Until next time...take care and God Bless!


  1. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos. Glad you had a good vacation. I love the new cover for The Visionary.

  2. What a beautiful way to wake up. :)

  3. Lucky to live on a lake, I see sunrise every day; it is always different and always beautiful. I hope I never forget to stop and look out the tall glass windows each morning in utter awe. Thanks for a thought-provoking post!

  4. I will admit to seeing more sunsets than sunrises. Both always captivate me, and I tend to randomly point them out to people, which usually earns an odd look. It's hard for me to see such beauty and not share it.

    I remember one sunrise in particular. It was my first day of student teaching and I was sick with nerves. An absolutely spectacular sunrise painted the sky and I felt like it was God reassuring me He would be with me, and He was. I calmed down and enjoyed my day.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. What beautiful pictures. I love sunsets. When I worked at the University of Wales my office looked out over the bay and I saw some spectacular sunsets. There is something about sunsets over water - who could doubt the existence of God when faced with such beauty!

  6. Lovely photos, Pam! I find peace and the gratitude you mentioned most often at the beach, at either sunrise or sunset. Something about water and sun, and the quiet, make me feel closer to God. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Gorgeous pictures of breathtaking sunsets. I would LOVE to go back to the Silver Spur one day. It is definitely a beautiful, peaceful place. Enjoyed the excerpt, great description!

  8. Wow Hywela...Wales! I'll bet there were beautiful sunsets/rises there!

    I know Leah, right! I'm always amazed at how close to God I feel in nature...especially near water too. Could that be because we as well as the earth are made up of 70% h2o? Deep calls unto deep.....

    Oh yeah, Alicia, SSR is a wonderful place for peace and beauty!

    Thanks ladies.
