
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

#TuesdayTreasures: Libraries

Good Morning!

If you read this week's Saturday Spotlight, you'll have noticed that I was at a book signing at the DeSoto Parish Library in Logan's Port, LA.

I'd never been to Logan's Port nor had I ever been to my friend, Rosie Deskin's (AKA: Annabelle Blythe) home. Well I was able to do both this past weekend!

I made the trip up to Rosie's house in Joaquin, TX through SE Texas and took a different route home and both were absolutely beautiful. Clear skies, green grass, hilly roads (yes there are hills in North LA / SE TX)

Rosie's book is set during the Battle of Mansfield, another city I'd never been to so passing through there was another delight.

If you ever get an opportunity to visit NW LA hop on across the border and check out SE TX too. I can promise you won't be sorry you did.

Here are a couple of photos from the signing....


Put on by the Friends of the Library group, these ladies went all out to make us feel welcome. There were snacks, finger sandwiches and drinks for us as well as the visitors.

I appreciate the opportunity Libraries present to authors. Each one is truly something to treasure.

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge!" ™


  1. You're so right, Pamela. A readers found one of my books at a church library, read it, and has been a fan since. I've also donated my books to libraries around the world, especially England. Cheers

  2. Nothing better than doing a book signing at a library! Glad they were so welcoming.

  3. Yes, I've done book signings at a few libraries, and donated my books, as well. It's a great experience. Sounds like you had a wonderful time...thanks for sharing the fun pics!

  4. Don't you love it when that happens, Marilyn?!

    You're right Jacque, I love libraries.

    We did have fun, Alicia.

    Thanks Ladies for stopping by and leaving a comment!

    I appreciate your support more than words can say.

  5. I just did a talk & signing at a library here in Mich. Love the support of libraries.

  6. I had one of my most successful signings at a library last month! I love libraries and these ladies had wonderful snacks and drinks for us! And I always donate my books before I leave. They love authors and we love them! :)

  7. Looks like you had a wonderful time. Like the others said, I love libraries. The "friends" groups do so much that most people never know about.

  8. That's wonderful Diane, I love the support of libraries too!
    GREAT Darcy! Don't you just love it when a signing goes well?!
    I know, right, Leah...the "Friends" groups are amazing!

    Thank you ALL for stopping by, your love and support amazes me!

  9. As a teacher, I could not have offered a complete reading program without the library. As a retiree, I could not LIVE without one! Thanks for a thoughtful post.

  10. Hurrah for libraries. Don't know what I would do without them!

  11. Thanks for sharing your day with us, Pam! May you have many more successful book signings!
