
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

#TuesdayTreasure: Special Guest Post by Marilyn Leach

Good Morning!

Today is Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday for those who aren't sure what it means) which always ushers in the Lenten season. Today's guest, Marilyn Leach tells us why she treasures Lent...

Thanks, Pam, for having me on your Tuesday Treasure blog, especially this very special Tuesday.  Why is February 9, 2016 so special?  Many people are very aware, others have no notion. 

Today, depending on what part of the world you’re in, is Shrove Tuesday, or Fat Tuesday, or Mardi Gras Finale, or the last day of Carnival, or Pancake Tuesday.  And it’s followed by Ash Wednesday which signals the start of the liturgical season of Lent.  It is forty days of preparation in the run up to the celebration of Christendom’s grand Easter Sunday.

I’ve heard Lent, for the sake of illustration, described as our 40,000 mile spiritual tune up, much like our motor vehicle.  It’s an inspection of the engine, parts, and electrics to make sure everything is ship shape in Bristol fashion.  The vehicle can operate at its peak performance when tuned up.  So, what does that mean practically in our spiritual lives?

Lent is a time to do some spiritual inventory, to make sure “our engine is running smoothly.”

That’s not to say we don’t invest in daily maintenance.  Just as we gas up, wash the windshield, and buckle up, so too we have daily time to feed our spirit, keep our hearts clean, and seek God’s protective care. 

My observance of the Lenten season has taken different forms at various times.  I’ve read a special book that dealt with an issue I was facing, a few pages daily, for all four weeks until it was completed.  One year I spent all four Saturday mornings to pray and read Scripture away from home in a quiet place.  It was a difficult challenge, and one of the most rewarding as well.  Memorizing Bible passages about Christian living birthed new fruitful actions.  I’ve also done more traditional observances.  I gave up drinking colas, which were affecting my energy highs and lows.  Forty days of no cola was replaced with flavored seltzer, fruit slices added, which I found refreshing.  It has become my favorite cold drink.  Many times, my Lenten disciplines have become life affirming habits.   

Lent can be a time of genuine enrichment, a real treasure, when we do a little inspection and repair work.  It’s good to do a full tune up.  The Lenten season is all about being in good running order.  By Easter our celebration can be “on the nose,” our spiritual engines purring like kittens. 

Have you experienced any positive outcomes in observance of Lent?
How do you ‘tune up your spiritual engine’?

We'd love to hear from you!

At the age of nine, Marilyn wrote her first play with a childhood neighbor, “The Ghost and Mr. Giltwallet”.  It was a mystery.  And she’s been writing in one form or another, hobby or livelihood, since.  As well as teaching art, she’s had the opportunity to co-author several plays that have been performed on both church and secular stages, as well as two screenplays.  Marilyn has had the good fortune of “discovering her roots” while visiting England where she developed lasting relationships with wonderful people there.  It has greatly impacted her writing.  A great fan of Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple and David Cook’s Hetty Wainthropp series, Marilyn was inspired to write her Berdie Elliott Mystery series.  It takes place in a small English village where the vicar’s wife, Berdie Elliott, is the divine sleuth.  Marilyn lives lakeside in a cottage on the outskirts of Denver near the foothills.

Find Marilyn at the following places...

Marilyn's book Up from the Grave is set during Lent!

Unearthed bones in the church back garden sends this small English village digging into the truth.  

A Lenten sod turning ceremony for a new water feature in the back garden of St. Aidan of the Wood Parish Church goes utterly pear-shaped when the upturned soil reveals a human skeleton.  With Berdie Elliott at the helm, the whole of Aidan Kirkwood digs into the mystery.  When the bones held life, just who was this person?  Who is the mysterious contessa that arrives on the garden scene?  And what does the young and beautiful Robin Derbyshire’s wedding have to do with the grave?  Unearth the answers in this fun spring romp.

Marilyn and I would like to share with you another great Lenten book.... I Thurst.... a 40 day devotional by Pelican Book Group authors and staff. 

Travel through favourite psalms and discover Christ in a special way during each day of Lent. 

I Thurst is available in Paperback and E book FREE*

*s/h charges apply to paperback copies in US only 

Well friends, hope you enjoyed today's treasure. Stay tuned each week for more Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlights.

Until next time take care and God Bless.


  1. Hi Pam, thanks for having me here today. I hope readers are inspired.

  2. Marilyn -- What a wonderfully thought-provoking post. I had never thought of Lent in terms of a tune-up, but the analogy worked perfectly.

  3. Marilyn,
    This was great. I learned so much about things that I didn't fully understand. Thank you for sharing with us.


  4. Explanation of Lent season that is easy to understand--if sometimes hard to follow! Thanks for a thoughtful post.

  5. Marilyn, your piece on spiritual rejuvination during the Lent season is beautiful and thought provoking. I enjoyed the analogy you made to maintaining our car. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

  6. Just thinking that tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. But your explanation is much appreciated. Congrats on your new novel.

  7. One Lent my husband and I decided to read the Bible together every night and the habit became so ingrained we didn't stop. We finished the Bible and have read several other spiritual books, too. I downloaded your inspirational devotional and am looking forward to using it! Thank you! I enjoyed your post, Marilyn!

  8. Great post, Marilyn. I love your description of Lent as a spiritual tune-up.

  9. Great post, Marilyn. I love your description of Lent as a spiritual tune-up.

  10. Amanda, I'm so glad the analogy was helpful. I wish it was my own, but I heard a pastor use the term.

  11. I'm so glad that you understood something that made sense to you, Anonymous. Cheers

  12. Susan, easy-to-follow is my by-word because that's what works best for me. I'm glad to find a fellow traveler. Cheers

  13. Pat Jeanne, most of us have cars, and we all know that they need tune-ups. So, it makes things simpler. I'm glad you were touched by the post. Cheers

  14. Jacqueline, I'm glad you dropped by today. My story, actually, has been on the market for a while. It's just that it's a good fit for Lent, I couldn't resist. Cheers

  15. MJ, what a great idea for a Lenten observance, and what a beautiful long lasting practice. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Have a blessed Lent. Cheers

  16. Leah, I'm pleased that the use of a car illustration accomplished its purpose. Thanks for sharing. Cheers
