
Thursday, February 18, 2016

#ThursdayThoughts: Special Guest Post by Kryssie Fortune

Good Morning Friends,

Kryssie Fortune returns today to share with us some thoughts that are mighty powerful and encouraging for sure! So without much further ado, I'll turn the blog over to her.....

2001 – A heart Odyssey

Way back in 2001 my heart valve collapsed unexpectedly and my life hung by a thread. The doctors said I wouldn’t survive the operation to fix it and kept me on bed rest for six weeks before they operated on me.

Open-heart surgery isn’t pleasant, but I survived. Since a wonderful surgeon gave me a second chance, I didn’t intend to waste it.

I was back at work within three months, but my colleagues were very protective. Now, 15 years later, I feel like I’ve crammed a lifetime into 15 years. I’ve visited ancient Celtic sites in the Orkney Islands, including the Tomb of Eagles where you lay on your back on oversized skateboard and pull yourself along a rope into the rock. A few meters inside it opens out into a huge chamber. Human bones were found inside, along with the bones of 14 white-tailed sea eagles.

Not content with that, I’ve explored ancient Greece and even run the length of the track where ancient athletes competed. My husband took me to Italy next Pompeii fascinated me, but not as much as Herculaneum. Our guide knew the team excavating fresh areas and we got the behind-the-scenes tour.

Travel’s great, but there was still one dream that stayed out of reach. I wanted to write a romance novel. My husband enrolled me on a writer’s course, but that was only the start. Hard work and perseverance paid off, and Loose ID published my sixth book, To Seduce an Omega, in January. It’s a stand-alone romance but it forms part of my Scattered Sibling’s series.

Throughout the last 15 years, I’ve thought about my heart operation a lot. It changed the course of my life. And I’m loving it. Sometimes, I think I’m the luckiest woman alive.

Wow Kryssie, sounds like you ARE one blessed lady!

Don't forget folks, Kryssie writes hot and steamy, erotic paranormal romance and her latest release, To Seduce an Omega is available now and can be purchased from the following places:

Now a little more about Kryssie in her own words....

I’m a dreamer, drawn to drop-dead gorgeous Fae, sensual vampires, and Lykae with a dominant streak so wide you can play football on it. It took a while before I dare put my dream down on paper, but now I love to share them with my readers.

I’m a grandmother on the cusp or retiring to live by the sea. I can’t wait to enjoy romantic walks hand-in hand with my husband on the beach. 

You can find/connect with me on Facebook and Twitter @kryssiefortune

Well Friends, hope you enjoyed today's thoughts. Visit weekly for more Thursday Thoughts, Saturday Spotlights and Tuesday Treasures.

Until next time, take care and God Bless.


  1. Wow, very inspiring post. I admire your spirit. I'm so glad you were able to turn a serious life event into something positive. Your book sounds wonderful! Best wishes...

  2. Kryssie, thanks for the post. I love Scotland, but I've never been to the Orkney's. Travel is such an enriching adventure, it adds to our writing schema in a truly positive way. So glad you survived and have gotten to have such rich experiences. Cheers

  3. Your life story could be the basis for a super novel! Best wishes to you.

  4. Thank you, ladies. Things are getting better too. Tomorrow I move to seaside bungalow. Leaving our family home of 26 years is hard, but life just keeps getting better. My garndson can't wait to visit. I've promised him donkey rides and funfair treats.

  5. I'm glad you were able to fulfill several of your dreams! How inspiring! Your book sounds great and best of luck with everything!

  6. Wow! It sounds like you've led an amazing life, and with your own hero at your side! A guy who takes you to such wonderful places and supports your dreams by enrolling you in writing class? You are one lucky gal! Best wishes for all your writing and all you do!
