
Thursday, February 4, 2016

#ThursdayThoughts: #EggcerptExchange with MJ Schiller!

Good Morning and Welcome to the Egg-cerpt Exchange blog hop!

Today's guest is MJ Schiller with her book, Hometown Heartache.

Nash is trying to make a name for himself in the art world…
But when he meets a realtor to buy a gallery, he is stunned to find Chloe sitting at the table with the man. He has never stopped thinking about her since she disappeared from his life without a trace. Is it too late to win back her love?

Chloe has finally found a way to leave her past behind her…
But her heart leaps out of her chest when she sees Nash. How can he be here? Now…after all this time? On the surface, she pulls herself back together. But underneath she feels she is about to shatter. After remaking herself, how can she deal with being faced with Nash and the life she knew before?

If this chance meeting doesn’t rip Chloe and Nash apart, he will.

Little do they know, someone has been lurking in the shadows, manipulating them all along. If he has his way, the two will never be reunited. Even if he has to take one of them out to ensure it.


I was flirting with Jack. He was an okay guy, good-looking, in his own way, and loaded. Man,
was he loaded. I didn’t really like him at all. I simply liked to make men want me. Not that I was a tease, mind you; they never left unsatisfied. I was good at it. It was the one area where I excelled. But it was always a very “no strings attached” kind of relationship, and they usually liked it that way. They didn’t even have to please me. I would please them, so I kept the upper hand. 

Then Nash walks right in and plops down in the booth across from me. My stomach fell away like that time at the State Fair on the Tom Twister, when the floor dropped out from under me leaving me stuck to the wall by centrifugal force. But even in that memory, Nash was there. I couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t, except for when he wasn’t for good, when he went away to school. 

When I looked up to see him standing by the table, I was swamped by that feeling again, the feeling of abandonment which overwhelmed me when he’d left a swirling void of nothingness in my life. He hadn’t changed much in all the time since we’d last met, those cute freckles were gone, but he still had an open face and his general boyish-good looks. His brown hair was, perhaps, a little thinner, but still rich and glossy; his jawline seemed maybe a tad sharper and stronger. Those expressive brown eyes, which were as homey as mud-pies, could still draw me in and make me feel warm all over.

But when all I’d had left was the memory of those eyes, I was filled with a deep chill instead. And now, seeing him once more, I froze for a moment. Then I dug deep and pulled myself together. I was surprised. I never would have thought I would be capable of knitting up that hole with him sitting right there, breathing in the same air as me. 

Wow...sounds like a great book, MJ! Now let's find out a little more about Chloe Carmichael....

Nickname- The only one I’ve ever had I hated. My step-father used to call me Chloe-girl. It made my skin crawl. But I guess you’d just have to meet him to understand.

Worst fear or nightmare- It’s actually come true recently. For Nash to see what I’ve become since he left.

Secret desire or fantasy- Well, at one time it was for Nash to come back. Now that he’s back, it is for the last two years to have never happened.

What would you do if you won the lottery? Ha! If I won the lottery! …Hmm…I don’t know. Buy a lot more heels, I guess.
To be honest, money doesn’t mean much to me. I just need enough to get by. Wealth would be lost on me, because I don’t know much about living a life of luxury. Don’t know which labels are designer’s, enjoy a burger over caviar, wouldn’t know the difference between cubic zirconium and the real thing.

What’s your family like and how does your upbringing affect you now? My dad was great. And my mom was, too…at one time. Don’t get me started on the rest. Actually, the Nabry’s, Nash’s family, were more of a family to me than anyone else. I’ll forever be thankful for them.

Interesting answers Chloe!

Hometown Heartache can be purchased at Amazon.

Now a little more on MJ....

MJ is a lunch lady in the heart of Central Illinois. My gosh! Can you get more folksy than that? She met her husband at the University of Missouri-Columbia and now she has a nineteen-year-old (how did that happen?) and seventeen year old triplets! She loves to read, karaoke (where she can pretend she is a rock star) and spends WAY too much time on Facebook. She grew up in St. Louis and still has family there.

Find out more about MJ by visiting her Website and/or connecting with her on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Check out all of MJ's books on her Amazon Author Page.

Well friends, hope you enjoyed today's Thursday Thoughts/Egg-cerpt Exchange!

There's more to come throughout Feb and March so check back often.

Until next time...take care and God Bless.


  1. Good morning, Pamela! And thank you for hosting me on this eggcellent morning! Isn't this usually your day for random thoughts? I couldn't think of anything more fitting, because I'm as random as they come!

  2. Love the excerpt! I want to find out more about Chloe.

  3. Yeah, she's an interesting one, that Chloe...
    Thanks for stopping in, Patricia! Have an eggcellent day!

    It happens to the best of us, Pamela. Real life and all...kinda gets in the way. I'm just happy that you've hosted me here on your lovely blog! Thanks for the support!

  4. Chloe sounds like someone I'd like to hang out with. Although I know exactly how I'd spend the money if I won the lottery. :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I enjoyed the character interview. Like Leah, I know what I could do with my money, but I don't believe I'd change much in my life. Good luck with sales.

  7. Yeah, she's an interesting one, that Chloe...
    Thanks for stopping in, Patricia! Have an eggcellent day!

    It happens to the best of us, Pamela. Real life and all...kinda gets in the way. I'm just happy that you've hosted me here on your lovely blog! Thanks for the support!

  8. I'm with you, Judy, on not changing much. I'd probably travel more, though, and take classes. I would love to have more time to devote to my writing. Leah- Call me crazy, but I think you and Chloe would get into trouble together! Thank you both for hopping in to visit with us!

  9. Great excerpt! Sounds like an awesome book.

  10. Congrats on the release- sounds like a great book!

  11. Hi, Pam and M.J.,

    First I love the cover art for this novel. Very engaging. Congrats on this new release. I hope it is very successful.

  12. Wonderful excerpt...and I enjoyed getting to know Chloe better. Great post!

  13. Enjoyed the post! Chloe's had a tough life so, far, sounds like. i hope she gets her HEA!

  14. Excellent Egg-crept!! And great interview.

  15. Thanks, all! Jacqueline- as soon as I found this image I knew I wanted it for the cover. It really captures the feel of the novel-- the angst, small town love spoke to me. And, lucky for me, my cover artist is a genius at putting it all together into an attractive cover. I'm glad that you like it!

    Thank you all for your compliments and support!

  16. Sounds like this one fulfills every romance-reader's wish list. Perfect for a spring read1

  17. Better late than never.... sorry for the late arrival. Loved the excerpt MJ, Chloe sounds like my kind of girl esp.when it comes to shoes ... Good luck with the release.

  18. I'm not usually this late, but I've finally managed to pop in. Chloe has captured my heart. Great excerpt and best wishes on the new release!

