
Saturday, October 3, 2015

#SaturdaySpotlight: Susie Hobson & Loving God With All Your Heart

Good Morning!

Looks like Fall is officially here since our first really cool front has passed through, dropping temperatures into the 60's at night and low to mid 80's during the day. With the changing of seasons, I'm reminded of the song, Every Season by Nicole Nordeman (listen to it here: and of God's unchanging love. So it is perfect that we have in the spotlight, Susie Hobson with her book, Loving God With All Your Heart brought to us by PrimeStar Publicity....

Are you satisfied with your daily life? Do you run more on empty than full? Do you always feel like there is more out there for you? This book will take you deeper into your heart s desire for a real relationship with God, a powerful relationship that will transform your whole life! Susie Hobson reminds us that the love we all long for begins and ends with a life that is surrendered to Jesus. From her real experience she offers practical application of communing with God through His Word to inspire and encourage a closer walk, resulting in empowerment for faithful living. Susie gives a clear path to the fulfillment of the greatest desire of man s heart God s unfailing love as the foundation for wisdom and serving God in our homes and community. This book should fill a real need among families who long for a Biblical order in the home. Susie s testimony is absorbing.

Loving God with All Your Heart: Keeping the Greatest Commandment in Everyday Life by author Susie Hobson speaks to the deepest, albeit most misunderstood longing of the human heart: the desire to be in an intimate relationship with the Almighty.  A companion, Journal is  also available.

Loving God with All Your Heart can be purchased directly from Nordskog Publishing and at Amazon

Susie Hobson has a B.A. in Special Education and an M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling from Alabama University, and carried a hearing-impaired and vision-impaired caseload for 16 years. She retired for more time with family and to write as God has called her. She and her husband Rich have two daughters, Whitney and Amelia, live in Montgomery, and attend Lakeview Baptist Church.

Sounds lovely.

Hope you enjoyed the spotlight! Check back weekly for Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlights.

Until next time.....Take care, God Bless and remember.....Live fully~laugh often~love deeply~forgive freely & you will create magic wherever you go

Something to think about!
Inspirational With An Edge!



  1. This sounds like a heart-felt and God-inspired book. May He continue His blessings, Susie.

  2. I've often thought the reason so many of us are searching for something is we innately know we don't belong here. We were separated from God by our sin and long to be reunited with Him, whether we know it or not. Your book sounds like a useful tool that we can use to rebuild our relationship.

  3. May your words find hearing where it is needed.
