
Thursday, August 27, 2015

#ThursdayThoughts: Guest Post by Jillian Lambert!

Hello Again Friends!

Today it is with great pleasure I bring my dear friend and Health & WellnessFeng Shui expert Jillian Lambert back to our blog. Today Jillian is talking about going from real chaos to real peace.....

Real Chaos vs. Real Peace
by Jillian Lambert

Everything starts with a thought…Everything.  Thoughts can create chaos, or thoughts can create peace.  Here are two simple steps to help you go from chaos to peace.

Disconnect from the ”external voices” of life.  External voices are any voice outside yourself.  Everyone has an opinion about how you should live your life.  Familiar ‘external voices’ are your husband/wife, kids, family, friends or your boss.  Unfamiliar ‘external voices’ are the radio, television, computer, etc.

Reconnect with yourself. Only you know what is best for you, so listen to the voice that knows you best.  Reconnect with the Real Voice, your inner voice.

Below are what I call “Soul Activities,” activities that bring joy to your soul.  Soul activities help you reconnect with yourself.

Affirmations – Override chaotic thoughts with positive affirmations.  Writing down positive affirmations is five times more effective than thinking, or saying them.

Journaling – Like a pinball machine, chaotic thoughts bounce around in our heads with nowhere to go.  Journaling helps release negative thoughts and feelings.  Putting it on paper releases thoughts from your head and replaces them with peaceful, positive thoughts.

Meditation – Slowing down your body helps slow your thoughts down.  If you can’t seem to stop, do a moving meditation (slow, repetitive motion like painting, washing dishes, walking, etc.)  Slow your thoughts down.  No past.  No future.  Just now.

Zen yoga – Yoga based on complete relaxation.

Zen swim – Swimming laps until you get into your peaceful “zone.”

Nature – Being in nature brings peace.

Silence – In stillness come answers.  Silence is golden, embrace it.

Next time chaos comes knocking, remember two steps.  Disconnect and Reconnect.  Disconnect from  chaos. Reconnect with peace.  Disconnecting from the ‘external voices’ of life, will help you reconnect with the Real voice, your inner voice…The voice that has your best interest at heart!

Jillian Lambert, M.S. - Author of inspirational book, ”Real Pain Real Peace,” wellness book ”Real Health Real Life,” and stretch/relaxation/meditation video/DVD, “Real Serenity.”  

Author, Holistic Nutritionist, Juicing Instructor, Fitness Trainer, Feng Shui & Wellness Consultant.

Books and video available at

Real Pain, Real Peace is available at Amazon in Print and Ebook!


  1. Nice post reminding us of things we should focus on doing everyday.

  2. I love yoga for making me slow down my mind, breathe and relax. I recommend it to everyone. Thanks for a good post.

  3. It's nice to slow down, isn't it? It's nice to come to a complete stop also...To give your body,mind and spirit a breather. All day long we are going, going, going. Doing soul activities is a way to say thank you to your body. You are thanking yourself for all that you do. Body, mind and spirit appreciation...It's a way of allowing your body, mind and spirit to exhale. :)

  4. This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you!

  5. Chaos does get so tiresome. Learning to stop, relax my muscles, and just breathe has helped a lot. It feel so good to slow down and enjoy life.

  6. I enjoy tai chi, which is a sort of moving yoga or slow motion martial arts based on specific forms or movements. Breathing and quieting the mind are part of tai chi and I can't believe how good it makes me feel all over. I went with my daughter the first time because I thought she'd like it. She hated it, and I went back! Thanks for sharing these very important thoughts. We don't stop to just breathe often enough!
