
Saturday, August 22, 2015

#SaturdaySpotlight: Deliverance by Katie Clark!

Good Morning Friends,

Last month I introduced you to Katie Clark with her book, Vanquished (book 1 in her YA Dystopian "Enslaved" series). Well today Katie returns with book 2, Deliverance!

Hana is Greater. It’s a future she never envisioned for herself, but she’s not about to ignore the opportunity she’s been given--the opportunity to find answers about her Mom, Jamie, and Fischer. This could be an opportunity to tell others the truth about God and uncover the secrets the Great Supreme has been keeping from their small, struggling nation.

When Hana’s search brings her to the mysterious prison she’s only heard of in rumors, the desire to get inside drives her to dig deeper for answers, but what she uncovers may be bigger than them all.

Can she save herself and the others before the Great Supreme realizes what she's doing, or will she give up everyone she loves in her quest for the truth?

Excerpt: I take a shaky breath and step toward the bed and dressing closet. I only have one bag of clothes. It will never fill up the closet.
But when I open the door I gasp. Clothes line the inside, clothes similar to the ones Sindy wore. Torn pants, grungy tops, and unraveling scarves. Oddly enough, they don’t seem old. They have tags on them.
At least I won’t stand out at dinner, or anywhere else in the city.
My bag makes a thud when it hits the bottom of the closet. I only want one thing from it—Mom’s perfume. I don’t remember the last time she wore it, but I can remember her by its scent. I unscrew the lid and bring it to my nose. Memories pulse through me. A hospital room. Sunken cheeks. Weary eyes.
The nightstand has a drawer and I shove the perfume inside. Next time I will remember happy things.
The door to the bathroom is on the other side of the closet. It whooshes open when I step close and I peek inside.
It's huge! A tub big enough to lie in sits in one corner, and a mirror with lights around it hangs above the sink. The bathroom at home is barely big enough for two people to squeeze in side by side and the shower doesn’t have enough room to turn around in. This bathroom could fit four people or more.
I gaze at the tub, wondering what the hot water allowance is here. How would it feel to float in a tub of warm water?

Deliverance can be purchased at Pelican Book Group  Amazon   Barnes and Noble 

KATIE CLARK started reading fantastical stories in grade school and her love for books never died. Today she reads in all genres; her only requirement is an awesome story! She writes young adult speculative fiction, including her upcoming YA supernatural, Shadowed Eden

You can connect with her at her website, on Facebook, or on Twitter.

Hope you enjoyed this week's spotlight, Friends!

Check back next week for another Tuesday Treasure, Thursday Thoughts and of course, Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time...take care & God Bless!


  1. Katie, I can't wait to dig into this fabulous series. I wish you the utmost success and happiness! Love and hugs...

  2. Thanks Tanya! And thank you, Pam, for having me!

  3. Dystopia is sure a hot topic for the YA genre. Deliverance sounds intriguing and I'll bet the YA crowd will eat it up! Good luck.

  4. I breezed through Katie's books. YA is not what I usually read, but I was hooked from page one.

  5. This sounds intriguing! Nothing like uncovering secrets--important secrets. Thanks for sharing this with us!
