
Thursday, July 2, 2015

#ThursdayThoughts: Random Ramblings on Friendship

Hello Friends,

Please know I do not use that term lightly and I DO appreciate each and every one of you for your support over the years.

If you're new to reading my work and/or following me -- Welcome! I pray you're aren't disappointed in what you find here on my blog.

Now on to my thoughts about Friendship....

We talk about BFF's and all of our friends which a lot of time, include mere acquaintances. So, I wonder, do we really appreciate the true friends in our lives?

The Bible teaches us that a "true" friend sticks closer to us than a brother but I wonder, would we really stick close to our 'friends' in their toughest times?

What about when they are doing something we don't approve of?

Now if you know me at all, you understand I never write to judge or criticize but to uplift and encourage and yes, if what I write makes you think and evaluate then that's great too!

I guess the point of these random ramblings is this: Love and appreciate the friends in your life. Uplift them when they are down. If you can help them see the error of their ways in some situations, do so with love and peace, not judgement and criticism. 

Most of all, be the kind of friend you would like to have!

Something to think about!!
"Inspirational with an Edge!" (tm)

PS: Speaking of Friends....I recently published the Tempered Series Bundle which includes all 4 of the Tempered Novels (Hearts, Dreams, Fire & Joy) as well as Lori's Redemption....all at a lower price than if you bought them individually!

You might ask how this relates to this post on friendship. This line in the book description explains it all..... Start at the beginning and follow these beloved characters throughout the years as love crosses the lines of age and strengthens the bonds of friendship.

The Tempered Series Bundle can be purchased through Smashwords for any electronic reading device! It is also at Barnes & Noble for Nook and should be showing up at Amazon soon too!

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