
Thursday, March 26, 2015

#ThursdayThoughts: Grace & Gratitude

Good Morning Friends,

Well here we are, the last Thursday Thoughts in March 2015! End of the 1st Quarter.

Now's the time when most people look back over their resolutions and/or goals and see how they've done. And now's the time when most people give up because they just aren't where they wanted to be.

Don't be one of them!

Look over them, readjust if necessary and then express gratitude for how far you've come!

Then ask God for the grace to continue.

Next to LOVE, Grace and Gratitude are the most powerful aspects of faith you can express.

You might also consider incorporating writing and/or saying affirmations into your daily schedule. I can hear you lamenting now...I don't have time...

YES you do!

Say them while in the shower, while getting dressed, while waiting on the coffee to brew, while waiting on the kids to get in the car, while preparing breakfast or lunches. Mutter them under your breath while in traffic or the car line at school or at the bank.

In other words, use the time you would normally spend complaining to show grace and express gratitude.

Meditation is also important....Joyce Meyer has said, "If you can worry, you can meditate." All this means is shifting those worrisome thoughts into positive, faith-filled ones. Meditation is simple and can be done in as little as 5 minutes a day...better yet 5 minutes 3 times a day (morning, at lunch, before bed).

Here's the thing, we tend to make every little effort to change a big deal when really, it's a minor adjustment in our thinking and speaking. And, remember, any small improvement is a step in the right direction.

Have a Blessed and Grace-filled day!

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