
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

#TuesdayTreasure: Guest Post by @MaryConnealy

Good Morning Friends and Welcome to the first Tuesday Treasure of October 2014! Yeah, I'm not going to reiterate how fast this year has flown by. I'm sure you know too and agree.

Then again, maybe it has dragged on slowly for you.

Either way I pray you are Blessed!

Today it is my pleasure to bring to you a guest post by best selling author, Mary Connealy....

A treasure is so hard to explain sometimes. It’s not always the most valuable thing, nor the oldest. Sometimes it’s got a sentimental value that is priceless.

This crewel work picture is a treasure to me because of who gave it to me and how hard my author friend Erica Vetsch worked to create it. I know how to do needle work like this. I used to do a lot of it. But I haven’t picked up a needle in years. Even so, I know the long hours and the love that go into something like this. And Erica writes cowboys, too, so surely she at least was tempted to keep it for herself.

I had no idea she was working on this until it came in the mail. I hung it in a place of honor in my bedroom and now I’m decorating the whole room around it. And sometimes when I in that room I just stop and rest my eyes at it for the pure pleasure of having something so pretty, so right for me, and for having a good friend like Erica.

I don’t feel like the picture does it justice. Thousands and thousands, tens or hundreds of thousands of stitches in this picture of boots, which are so perfect I can’t talk about it without smiling. And Erica just did it because she’s a good friend and she has such a generous heart.

Boots. Could there be any better picture for me, with my romantic comedy with cowboys? I hung this picture just weeks before my latest book, Tried and True released with my heroine trying to live a life disguised as a man. And she hates it and wants girly things. And then here comes this picture with boots in feminine colors, just right for Kiley Wilde. As soon as she works up the nerve to admit who she is, of course.

Mary Connealy writes romantic comedy with cowboys. She is a Carol Award winner and a RITA, Christy and IRCC Award Finalist. She is the author of the Trouble in Texas, Lassoed in Texas, Montana Marriages and Sophie's Daughters series, Cowboy Christmas, Black Hills Blessing, and Nosy in Nebraska and has contributed to several novella collections. Her latest release, Tried & True, kicks off the Wild at Heart series.

Connealy is a contributor to the Seekerville andPistols and Petticoats blogs. She lives on a ranch in eastern Nebraska with her husband, Ivan, and has four grown daughters and a growing bevy of grandchildren to boot.

Readers can keep up with Connealy via her website and blog. She is also active on Facebook & Twitter.

Saddle up for a wildly fun ride with the Wilde sisters!

Kylie Wilde is the youngest sister-and the most civilized. Her older sisters might be happy dressing in trousers and posing as men, but Kylie has grown her hair long and wears skirts every chance she gets. It's a risk-they are homesteading using the special exemptions they earned serving in the Civil War as "boys"-but Kylie plans to make the most of the years before she can sell her property and return to the luxuries of life back East.

Local land agent Aaron Masterson is fascinated with Kylie from the moment her long hair falls from her cap. But now that he knows her secret, can he in good conscience defraud the U.S. government? And when someone tries to force Kylie off her land, does he have any hope of convincing her that marrying him and settling on the frontier is the better option for her future?

About the Wild at Heart series:

Three sisters fought in the Civil War disguised as men. They were pressured into fighting by their father who was crazed to avenge his son, their older brother, who died in battle. After all those years, without being revealed as women, they now qualify for homesteading, with their years of fighting reducing the years needed to prove up on a homestead.

Living in western Wyoming on 160 acres each, with their father owning the fourth homestead, they have a real nice spread tucked into the shadow of the Rocky Mountains, a remote area where they can live as they please and no one needs to notice the Wilde family is made up of three sisters.

They've gotten away with it by staying to themselves. They homesteaded in the fall, spent the Wyoming winter mostly snowed in, but now it's summer and they've avoided town. They'll have to spend their lives as hermits to get away with this.

And maybe they could do that, except they've stepped on the toes of a big rancher who wants to drive the nesters off his land. Tried & True will be followed by the release of Now & Forever and Fire & Ice.

Tried & True can be purchased at Amazon in Hardcover, PaperbackEbook & Audio! Also available @ Barnes and Noble in Print & on Nook!

Well friends, I hope you've enjoyed this Tuesday Treasure. Stay tuned weekly for Thursday Thoughts, Saturday Spotlights and of course, more Tuesday Treasures!

Until later.... Take care, God Bless and remember...If life is a stage and we are all stars in our own show...why not make is a blockbuster?! 

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge! 


  1. Great post, Mary, but one little thing. That boot picture is counted cross stitch, not crewel. I know because I have the same picture. I'm still working on the first boot. I can appreciate Erica's expertise and perseverance to get er done. That is true love for a friend. I love the picture too!

    Great to see you at ACFW a couple weeks ago!

  2. Really? Counted cross stitch? Okay. YOU HAVE THIS TOO, PAMELA? Well it's a small world isn't it? :)
    If I was making it, I'd be lucky to have one TOE the time I reach 100 years old! :)

  3. Well you've both got me beat LOL! I never learned to sew so anything resembling that is O-U-T LOL! although I have crocheted and done latch hook in my younger days. I'd rather read a good book or put a puzzle together than be stuck somewhere with needle & thread or anything resembling either.

    Thanks for stopping by Pamela and Thanks Mary, for being my guest today!
