
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thursday Thoughts: Overwhelm

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed all you want to do is sit down and cry? Emotional overload can do that as can daily stress, physical pain, or any combination of these.

So what do you do?

Here are a few suggestions....

Cry: Yes, go ahead and have a long crying jag. You may look like hell afterward but you will feel better. Studies have proven that crying is a great way to release stress and keep toxic emotions from building up.

Pray/Meditate: Goes without saying right? But if you're like me and most people, prayer seems ineffective when you're in the midst of a meltdown but do it anyway! I've found prayer is a great way to center myself after the crying jag.

Exercise: Take a walk, jog, run, bicycle or horseback ride, work in your garden, cut the grass. Whatever you choose but get out and do something! Physical exertion eases the mind and gets you "in the moment" and oftentimes, the solutions come when your mind and spirit are at rest. 

Have Sex: Okay bet you didn't expect that from me LOL! Of course I am NOT advocating casual relationships or one night stands, but seriously, making love with your spouse, partner or significant other is one of the best ways to relieve tension, boost your immune system, and fight overwhelm! 

Read: The Bible or other spiritual/emotional material. Or better yet, indulge in a romance, suspense or some other work of fiction. Losing yourself in a great story works wonders for refreshing your mind and easing emotions.

Get creative: Paint a room or a picture, tear down a wall or old building, clean & reorganize a closet or rearrange furniture, change things up a bit. Also known as Feng Shui, moving things around changes the energy of that area. Write a letter or a blog post or begin (or resume) a gratitude list. Journaling is very therapeutic.

Visit: A friend or family member or even just sitting in a coffee shop or mall among strangers can help shift your focus away from what is going on. Again, solutions come when your mind/emotions are at rest.

Rest: Sometimes emotional overload is due to so many factors the best way to combat it is take a long, hot bath or shower, drink a glass of wine or cup of hot tea or take an OTC sleep aid and just go to bed. Things normally look better when you wake refreshed. I wouldn't recommend making any of these a nightly habit but occasionally you need something to help you relax and get a good night's rest. 

Whatever you do, let go of the daily stress and/or emotional turmoil in your life because it is too short and time too precious to waste staying overwhelmed.

Something to think about!
"Inspirational with an Edge! 


  1. Such great advice, Pam! It's really hard to let go when feeling overwhelmed, esp. when you have no control over the circumstances contributing to being overwhelmed. Yet, it's essential to being at peace amid chaos. (Hindsight is wonderful. :))

  2. Fab post, Pam!

    I love the advice. I'll use it the next time I'm feeling overwhelmed, and try exercising instead of reaching for the chocolate which zonks me out cos my system doesn't handle sugar well... :)

  3. Great suggestions! When I'm feeling overwhelmed I just remind myself to tackle one thing at a time. Or take a nap, whichever sounds best at the time. ;) Thanks for sharing this!

  4. Ah, see, I was so overwhelmed I didn't make it to your post until late. :) Seriously, though, very good advice. I need to tape it to my wall and remind myself to take these steps to distress. Thanks for sharing a wonderful post!

  5. So true Diane! Those sugar crashes are the pits Monique!Oh yeah, MJ that's good advice too! Glad you made it Alicia!

    Thank you ALL for stopping by!

  6. A thoughtful blog, Pam! When I am overwhelmed or really pissed about something (like a publisher's rejection!) I find that getting out and doing something new and different helps lighten the air for me. I've tutored underprivileged kids, organized a neighborhood group to attend a concert, thrown a party for old friends, for example. Gotta say, your suggestions are excellent. Thanks!

  7. Wow Susan, you know how to put that negative energy into something positive and that's always a great thing!

    Thanks for stopping by!
