
Monday, June 2, 2014

The Writing Process Blog Tour

Good Morning Friends!

I normally don’t post on Monday’s but I was tagged by Linda Yezak for “The Writing Process” blog tour so here goes…..

What am I working on?
Currently I have 2 fiction and 2 nonfiction projects in the works as well as a novel I’m getting ready for publication. I am also proofing my 4 part Tempered series to go to print.

How does my work differ from others in my genre?
My novels have been reviewed as “steamier and grittier than the typical Christian novel without decreasing the message.”

Why do I write what I do?
In 1989 I recommitted my life and committed my writing to Christ. After that, my focus changed from traditional romance to inspirational romance. God is very real to me, and I feel people today need and want to hear more of His truths wherever they can glean them. People are hungry for practical (and real) Christian values, not some ‘holier-than- thou’ beliefs which are impossible to believe and impossible to live up to, and I do my best to encourage readers to develop a personal relationship with God. The deepest desire of my heart is to glorify God and to get His message of faith, trust, and forgiveness to a hurting world.

How does my writing process work?
I am 100% SOTP (seat of the pants) writer and often begin a story with a thought, dream, piece of conversation I overheard, or a character will just show up and start talking…And of course, Prayer!  As for how it works….when I actually make time to write it works very well. I normally do quite a bit of editing along the way and sometimes that hinders my productivity but when I get a chance to turn off the internal editor, I do and just flow with it.

I’m Tagging….Sheri Cobb South to participate....

At the age of sixteen, Sheri Cobb South discovered Georgette Heyer, and came to the startling realization that she had been born into the wrong century. Although she doubtless would have been a chambermaid had she actually lived in Regency England, that didn’t stop her from fantasizing about waltzing the night away in the arms of a handsome, wealthy, and titled gentleman.

Since Georgette Heyer was dead and could not write any more Regencies, Ms. South came to the conclusion she would simply have to do it herself. After honing her craft on five young adult books for Bantam’s long-running Sweet Dreams series, she tried her hand at the genre she had loved for so long. Her first Regency romance, The Weaver Takes a Wife, was published in 1999, to critical acclaim.  

In addition to her Regency romances, she is also the author of a series of Regency mysteries featuring idealistic young Bow Street Runner John Pickett, described by All About Romance as “a little young, but wholly delectable.”

A native and long-time resident of Alabama, Ms. South recently moved to Loveland, Colorado, where she has a view of Long’s Peak from her office window.

Linda W. Yezak lives with her husband and three cats in a forest in east Texas, where tall tales abound  and exaggeration is an art form. She holds a BA in English and a graduate certificate in Paralegal Studies. Thirty years later, she’s finally putting her degree in English to good use, combining it with her natural inclination toward story-telling to create fun, unique novels. Follow her on Twitter @LindaYezak and connect with her on Facebook: Author Linda W. Yezak  Linda's book, The Cat Lady's Secret will be featured on Tuesday Treasures next week!


  1. Wow, you're a busy lady! All the best in getting your projects done!

  2. Excellent post. Love your cover!
    -R.T. Wolfe

  3. Way to go, Pam!! Keep shining for Him - you're a blessing!
