
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday Spotlight: Jericha Kingston & Waiting for Lily Bloom

Good Morning Friends!

It is my pleasure to bring to you a brand new Pelican Book Group Author, Jericha Kingston with her debut PBG title, Waiting for Lily Bloom, one of the annual Easter Lilies releases!

Jericha Kingston--tomboy gone rogue--loves the visual, performing, culinary, and literary arts. She's married and has two sons. Her Easter novella, Waiting For Lily Bloom, releases as an eBook from Pelican Book Group on April 18th. Ousting her inner tomboy has been futile, so Jericha appeases her by fishing, camping, and hiking with her Australian Cattle Dog. You can find Jericha at:, or via e-mail at

James Bloom has prayed three years for rain and five years for a wife. His dreams are demolished on Palm Sunday, 1935, when a catastrophic dust storm hits Oklahoma. His neighbor's niece has to ride out the storm at his house overnight. The next day, he's forced to marry her, an East coast city girl who can't speak. Could this be God's plan? 

Lily Driggers left her Georgia home to visit her aunt and uncle in Oklahoma, but when a dust storm traps her with an unmarried farmer, Lily's uncle makes her marry the stranger, condemning her to a future in the dusty wasteland. She longs for her home. Yet somehow, her new husband is the only one who understands her silent pleas. As Easter approaches, Lily and James wonder if there is hope after the storm.


She faced the front porch where James stood, his face leached of color. “Walk toward me as fast as you can.” His voice cracked.

A rabbit lunged past, and she watched its urgent flight.

“Now, Lily.”

What? The bully was at it again, this time issuing orders. She sighed and stepped off her rung on the fence. James was about to learn she didn’t obey tyrants. She released the top plank and would’ve turned to go, but something in his voice startled her.

“Don’t look back, Lily. I’m begging you. Come to me.”

She glared at him.

His face crumpled, and he bounded off the porch and ran toward her.

The beast was chasing her! And he looked…crazed. No. Terrified. The only other time she’d seen such a look was when—


Everything turned red. She was enveloped in a cloud. Fine dust stung her eyes and throat, choking her. She gasped, inhaled dirt, and coughed. Her mouth snapped shut, sand grinding between her teeth. She closed her eyes and hid her face behind the flimsy sleeve of her dress, protecting her nose and mouth. But it was no use.

Shaking. The earth was shaking. Wind gusted, shrieked and moaned, almost as loud  as her racing heart. Surely it would burst right through her chest. What’s happened? Is this a tornado? 

Wind-driven sheets of dust blasted into her flesh like piercing needles. She tasted dirt, smelled dirt, cried dirt. 

“Lily, grab the fence.” James coughed and sputtered. “The fence!”

She tripped over her own feet to reach the corral and latch on. She clung there, wind and dust swirling around her, lifting her braid up into the air. Please, God, help me!

Sounds like a great story to me! Again, Waiting for Lily Bloom will be available next Saturday and will be 50% off on that day only!

Well Friends, I hope you enjoyed this spotlight as much as I did. It is always a pleasure to bring to you a fellow author and even richer for it to be a PBG author. 

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday which begins Easter week. I pray you take some extra time to spend with the Lord during this special time in our Christian faith. 

Don't forget, today is the last day to enter TWJ Magazine's Virtual Easter Basket Giveaway!

Stay tuned next week for another Eggcerpt Exchange on Tuesday Treasure, more Thursday Thoughts and of course, another Saturday Spotlight!

Until next time....take care, God Bless and remember....Regardless of your mistakes~God LOVES You! Therefore walk tall, proud & in confidence that HE is on your side.

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge! 


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me today, Pam! I appreciate you.

  2. This is such a great story! I can't wait to read it again - since I was lucky enough to read it before Pelican got it. ;)

  3. Hi, Pegg! Thanks for stopping by. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Thank you, Linda! It was so much fun to write.

  5. I was lucky enough to read this book in advance, and it's wonderful. I can't wait to get my official copy.
