
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Saturday Spotlight: HL Wegley & On the Pineapple Express

Good Morning! it REALLY March 1st already? Guess time really does fly when you're having fun LOL!

Today is is my pleasure to welcome my friend and fellow PBG author, HL Wegley to our spotlight with his brand new release, On the Pineapple Express.

H. L. Wegley served in the US Air Force as an Intelligence Analyst and a Weather Officer. He is a Meteorologist who, while working as a forecaster and a research scientist in Atmospheric Physics, published extensively in the scientific literature. After earning an MS in Computer Science, he worked more than two decades as a Systems Programmer at Boeing before retiring in the Seattle area, where he and his wife of 47 years enjoy small-group ministry, their grandchildren, hiking beaches on the Olympic Peninsula, snorkeling Maui whenever he gets a chance, and where he writes inspirational thrillers and romantic suspense novels. Besides his scientific publications, he published one non-fiction work, Colby and Me: Growing up in the '50s, a humorous collection of the childhood adventures of an early baby boomer. 

Find out more and connect with HL at his website, blog The Weather Scribe, FaceBook and/or Twitter!

In one of the most beautiful places on earth the ugliest of crimes holds young, innocent lives in its evil grip. An intercepted cell-phone call from a remote area on the Olympic Peninsula tells beautiful, brilliant NSA researcher, Jennifer Akihara, a group of girls will soon be sold into slavery by human traffickers. She enlists her fiancé, Lee Brandt, to help find the holding location and convince the FBI to intervene. With the clock ticking off the last few hours before both the sale of the girls and the arrival of a deadly storm, and with international criminals pursuing them, can Jennifer and Lee save the girls, or will their wedding plans be cancelled ... permanently?

Olympic Peninsula, Saturday, November 2, 11:00 AM

Jennifer Akihara’s SUV slid sideways on Highway 101 when she turned in at the Lake Quinault store. She jerked the wheel left, tapped the brakes, and coaxed the vehicle into a parking spot. Huge raindrops assaulted the windshield like bullets trying to blow holes in the safety glass. The wipers slapped out their liveliest rhythm, but her heart thumped even faster as she hit Special Agent Peterson’s speed dial number on her cell. Lee Brandt, her fiancĂ©, sat silently in the passenger seat, but his foot tapped out a tempo somewhere between andante and presto. She pushed the speakerphone. Lee needed to take his fair share of the coming abuse. “Peterson, this is Jennifer Akihara.” 

“How is my favorite NSA sleuth on this miserable day?” 

“I stumbled across something near my research site on the peninsula…something you should know about.” 

"Is there a little smuggling going on along the coast?” 

“You could say that. Drugs smuggled in, young girls smuggled out.” Peterson’s end went silent. “This morning I analyzed the data downloaded from my wireless scanner near Forks. Nearly thirteen days ago, it recorded an encrypted cell-phone conversation.” 

“Cell-phone conversation? You chose that location for your testing because there’s no cell service. But you need to—” 

“You mean no legal cell service. When I had a colleague from Fort Meade decrypt the call, I heard traffickers selling girls.” Silence again. 

“Can you get the unencrypted conversation to me today?” His usual booming voice of authority had softened. 

“I’ll e-mail it from my cell when we’re finished talking. But, Petersen, the next exchange of girls is set for tomorrow night. Can you move quickly enough to stop it?” 

“You intercepted a private call. That raises some legal issues we—” 

“Legal issues? There’s nothing legal about that call, and what they’re doing is worse than illegal.”

On the Pineapple Express is available now in Ebook & Print and is the sequel to H.L's novel, Hide & Seek (also available in ebook & print)

Find out more about H.L.'s titles by visiting his Amazon Author Page.

Well Friends, hope you enjoyed this week's spotlight. Stay tuned next week as my Tuesday Treasure focuses on titles from Tina Gayle's "Egg-cerpt Exchange" which I am participating in again this year!

Until later...take care, God Bless and remember.... Life is a gift that's why each day is called the present. 

Pamela S Thibodeaux
"Inspirational with an Edge!" 

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