
Friday, February 7, 2014

Thursday Thoughts: Writing

I know, I know it's Friday not Thursday but since I actually got some writing done yesterday then was away from the computer all day I figured it's better late than never LOL!

A few of Pelican Book Group authors put together a min-blog-hop on "The Ten Commandments of Writing"  each sharing theirs on their personal blog.

I hadn't thought of these before reading some of theirs but here's a shot at it....

#1: Write - you can't "find" time to write, you have to make it.

#2: Revise & Resubmit - your non fiction articles and essays.

#3: Pray -- this should actually be first but sometimes when the work isn't going well all you can do is PRAY!

#4: Read - Sometimes when the words won't flow, reading something from your favorite author or a new author helps get your juices going.

#5: Journal - If the WIP just isn't flowing, sit down with a pen and pad and write whatever comes to your mind. This can help clear your head from the chatter and unblock your creativity.

#6: Carry a notebook and pen with you always or utilize the voice recorder or note option on your phone. You never know when an idea will hit or the solution to your characters' latest conflict will come to you.

#7: Write: Yeah I know I said this before but it bears repeating....You can't find time to write you have to make it! Here's another thought...Write the book of YOUR heart! Sometimes we get so caught up in the "rules of writing" we ignore the call of our heart. You can always edit or toss that particular work, but get it out of your head/heart and make room for more!

#8: Word Count counts! Don't discount blog posts, articles, essays, interviews, tweets, etc.. too many times we beat ourselves up because we haven't worked on our WIP not realizing that Writing is Writing! 

#9: Give yourself a break. If your day is not as productive as you anticipated or you get only a few words in remember....that's one sentence, paragraph or page closer.

#10: Write: Yeah I'm saying it again but another thought...if your WIP isn't working for you, write something different. You'll amaze yourself at what can happen!

Here are links to the other authors sharing their writing commandments!

Delia Latham on Write Right!
Clare Revell on The World Can Wait
Jayna Morrow on
Julia M. Toto on
Brooksie on Groovie Brooksie 
Lilly Maytree at Lilly Maytree Blog
Linda Yezak at 777 Peppermint Place

Therese M. Travis at Paperfaces

Enjoy and learn then get busy!



  1. I'm the world's worst at journaling. I guess the closest I get to it is on my blog. Good post, Pam!

  2. Good job, Pam! I'm so glad you joined us. You're right, better late than never. lol

    Love your commandments - especially 1, 7, & 10. :) That's what it's all about in this field, right? Write. :)

  3. Great list, Pam. Thanks. I agree that looking for time to write is futile. I've yet to have "writing time" magically present itself. We must make time, and then seize it. Blessings!

  4. Great thoughts. Glad you could join our little "hop."
