
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday Treasures: Guest Post by Jayne E Self!

Good Morning Friends,

It is with great pleasure I  bring you this Tuesday Treasure from my friend and fellow author, Jayne E Self...

I loved Jacque Cousteau’s TV Specials. As a kid growing up in central Canada the seemingly infinite mysteries of the ocean mesmerized me. I dreamed of becoming an oceanographer. I read, studied, memorized. And then I got on a boat. 

I quickly discovered a degree of motion sickness that trains, planes or automobiles cannot begin to engender.  

In His graciousness, however God has satisfied my passion for the sea with the seashore. I have summered by the ocean, even lived by the ocean, and its ever-changing nature still beckons me 

I think that’s because, for me, the ocean is a metaphor of God. It is infinite, boundless, gentle, and frighteningly powerful—all at the same time 

With each wave it shifts sandbars, tumbles rocks, and reshapes the land. It washes away and deposits anew. Shells, driftwood, seaglass—treasures lost become treasures found. 

The rhythm of the waves echo the prayers of my heartAnd as I walk along the shore, no matter the weather or the season, I can always hear His voice. 

Jayne E. Self lives in OntarioCanada. Her mysteries, Murder in Hum Harbour (2011) and Death of a Highland Heavyweight (2012) have both won Word Awards—Canada’s largest Christian writing awards. 

 Available Now in Ebook & Print!

                                                        Available Now in Ebook & Print!

You can find more about Jayne, her writing, and her blog at "where faith and mystery converge." 

Well Friends, hope you enjoyed this special guest post. Stay tuned for more great Tuesday Treasures, Thursday Thoughts and Saturday Spotlights!

Until next time...take care, God Bless and remember.....What you sow you reap, 30, 60 & 100-fold!

Something to Think About...

"Inspirational with an Edge!" 


  1. Oh my goodness, I love your comparison of the ocean to God!!!
    (I love your stories too!) Great post!

  2. Thanks for the glimpse into yourSelf. It's been way too long since I was walking on the shore... where God's power is evident everywhere.

  3. Thanks ladies. I could have used a little seaside peace today when someone backed into my car. (Wait till my hubby hears about this,)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Oh, Jane... so great to hear from you! Loved the post, and your wonderful analogy. But, guess what? Not only are there things for seasickness, but the condition is temporary. So, try the boat, again! Because it is so wonderful out here...

  6. I get comfort and knowledge and inspiration from the ocean, too. Thank the good Lord it's only a mile away. And I must say, your murder mysteries ave intriguing and just made my TBR list. Ah, so many great books. So little time. God bless.
