
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday Thoughts: Romance

While everyone else is focused on ghosts, goblins and zombies, I'm thinking about ROMANCE!

You all know I'm a romance author, but what I'm talking about is not necessarily what you'll find in a novel. I'm talking about REAL romance. The kind that comes from the heart (although the romantic gestures of our heroes & heroines come from the heart too!)

It saddens me to hear so many women and men talk about the lack of romance in their relationship.

I'm sure you've read or heard the story more than once about my husband giving me a rock when we were dating. That's not the only instance of romantic moments during our 20yrs together. He cut the "love is" cartoons out of the newspaper, notes in lunch boxes or on the coffee pot, cards on pillows...are just a few of the other ways in which we kept the romance and passion alive in our relationship.

Those are all great ideas but here's a few more....

A CD filled with romantic songs.

A Full Body Massage WITHOUT expectation of sex afterward, just curl up in each other's arms and nap (or sleep).

Unexpected gift - doesn't have to be expensive (pick a bouquet of flowers instead of buy them); a book by his or her favorite author (even if bought at a used book store), saturate a cache or tiny stuffed animal with your cologne or perfume and hang it on the rear-view mirror so that every time your mate gets in the car he/she will smell that and think of YOU.

A Romantic drive in the countryside, picnic on a blanket (on the ground or in front of a fireplace), at a roadside park or on the beach.

Dinner and a movie. Don't have much $$? Rent a movie, cook a special dinner, splurge on candles and wine...make it a date anyway!

Cards just because - doesn't have to be expensive ones either - you can get 2 for $1 at your local dollar store. Better yet, write a short note or letter and share your heart!

Call or text for no other reason than to voice your love for him/her.

Get creative! Imagine what you'd consider a romantic moment then create that scenario (or one similar) for your mate.

True love doesn't always NEED romance, but it sure helps keep the fires burning.

Something to think about.
"Inspirational with an Edge!" (tm)

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