
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Saturday Spotlight - Sharon Garner

Good Morning Friends!

Well it's been a crazy couple of weeks, which is why there was no Tuesday Treasure or Thursday Thoughts this past week, but I promise to get back on track next week.

Today's spotlight is Sharon Garner with her book, Sanctuary.

Sharon K. Garner writes so she can snag all the great comebacks that often elude her in real life, although she manages to voice her fair share.  She began her writing career with disastrously detailed diaries, moving on to simply loving words, books, and reading.  Living in seasonal Pennsylvania, she chooses to write her stories of love and danger set in warm, tropical, even exotic locations.  A former library cataloguer and newspaper proofreader, she now does freelance copyediting and proofreading for other writers.  In her free time, she reads mystery and suspense novels and prances around her living room doing walk aerobics.  Visit her at

A double cross that keeps on giving, a Brazilian ex-mercenary who wants to live in peace, a children’s book illustrator who leaps into a danger she doesn’t understand with a man she doesn’t want to love…

    “Please don’t make me shoot you.  I want nothing from you except information.”  
    Emily Noble’s voice quavered.  A fever had waylaid her about two hours ago, making her shoulders, her whole body, ache relentlessly.  The old pistol she’d discovered in the rental car’s glove box trembled in her grasp.  Then her brother’s training kicked in.  With her heart racing, she brought up her left hand to steady the heavy gun. 
       A brief stillness when he first saw the gun was her only clue that she had shaken Christovao Santos.  His military walk and his air of authority were familiar when he strode into the room where she lay in wait.  Her father and her fiancĂ© had sported both in abundance.  Her brother James had a mere hint of each.
The big Brazilian recovered and finished lighting a cigarillo.  He studied her through its smoke like she was a long column of figures that didn’t quite add up.  A look of watchful expectation replaced his wooden expression.
       “Please, put the gun down and we’ll talk.”  He spoke with a slight accent.  “A beautiful woman holding a small cannon plays hell with my concentration.”

Sanctuary can be purchased at Amazon & Smashwords!

Well friends, hope you enjoyed this spotlight! Hope you'll drop by next week.



  1. Welcome All!

    My romantic suspense book, Sanctuary, is today's Saturday Spotlight.

    I'm out of communication until this evening, on family matters. I'll check in tonight and answer or reply to any and all comments.

    Thanks for visiting.

    Sharon K. Garner
    Pele's Tears~Sanctuary~River of Dreams~Lokelani Nights~Spaniard's Cross

  2. Love the excitement and drama in the excerpt! Great picture of Sharon too. :)

  3. Hi, Pam and Sharon,

    The new novel sounds great! I love to both read and write romantic suspense especially with an exotic setting like this one. Congrats and best wishes.

  4. Thanks, Jacqueline and Ann for stopping by.

    Ann, I'm glad you liked the excerpt. It was a fun book to write. Good picture, huh? Maybe I'm NOT scaring the horses.

    Jacqueline, I'm glad you like exotic settings like this. I had a great time doing the research for this one.


  5. Makes me wonder...where is this going? Very suspsenseful. Thanks for sharing.
